Our home wrecked by one firework on Saturday.

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So sorry to hear your news.
I hope you find somewhere to rent quickly in time for Christmas.

Take care

Oh, very very sweet looking dogs by the way, hope the puppies arrival goes well.

The wife is on East Midlands Today again - a bit of media star. lol

We are moving into our temporary home tomorrow (Wed) we got the keys late on Saturday. Have been moving stuff into the house with the help of my brother & friends.

The response by our neighbours has been amazing. Flowers have been sent to the hotel where we are staying from a neighbour on the road behind our property - we have no idea who they are and can't put a face to the name. Might be a fellow dog owner.

On a bright note our pregnant Chihuahua Mitzie the "Welsh Tart" who we drove to Mountain Ash in South Wales to buy 2 years ago is doing fine. We have never bred a dog before and seeing her belly change shape and her six nipples turn into Chapel Hat Pegs has been quite funny and has cheered us up no end. As I type she is fast asleep in her cage with our other Chihuahua Percy in our Hotel Room.

Our eldest Chihuahua Ben who is 15 could not cope with living in a cage, we have re-homed him with some close friends who have dog sat for us over the years. We will leave him in Foster Care until Mitzie has whelped and everything has settled down a bit in the new house. He is taking full advantage of the situation as only a pet can be it a dog or a ferret they are clever cookies on the QT.