I've been working from home this week with a lot of plans and paperwork that needed doing
No big deal there but I'm easily distracted :augie
So as I was tidying the garage ready to make some barn doors I found a hole load of lead that I though would be better off at the scrappy and cash in my pocket etc :sly
So bunged it in the van along with some old batteries and off i went. Fully expecting a bundle of cash which would subsidise the purchase of said timber :clap
Any road up got there and was asked for ID . Showed him my license and he said it was out of date. :doh
Still had to buy the wood and I had to bring the lead back and I hadn't tidied the garage :wasntme
Got home and hid the timber in the lounge, as you do :augie
Opened up the lappy and did the DVLA apply for license online thing. Many many cups of coffee later and 14 quid worse off I was legal to drive again :clap
What's more it turns out that only for the second time since I was 16 that I appear to have a clean license :jump
Every cloud and all that
Garage was still not tidy so erm, I borrowed the kitchen to knock up the barn doors , as you do :wasntme
Weather was improving so I erm didn't tidy the garage and spent some time trying to get rebates from all my insurance companies I'd told I still had points. Many many cups of coffee later I just had a hot ear and a messy garage :lamer:
Ah well better get these doors done and out the kitchen before I end up in brownie point deficit
Shot off early ish today to frame up and fit them so her indoors could get the oven door open again
Spent far too long putting the world to rights with my customer and didn't finish till late.
Came in and gave my darling wife a special present to say thanks :bow
The wine bell :beer
Proper handy as I can watch the rugby and she can demand wine accordingly :lol
Funny old week and my garage is exactly the same asit was on Monday :hide:
So as I was tidying the garage ready to make some barn doors I found a hole load of lead that I though would be better off at the scrappy and cash in my pocket etc :sly
So bunged it in the van along with some old batteries and off i went. Fully expecting a bundle of cash which would subsidise the purchase of said timber :clap
Any road up got there and was asked for ID . Showed him my license and he said it was out of date. :doh
Still had to buy the wood and I had to bring the lead back and I hadn't tidied the garage :wasntme
Got home and hid the timber in the lounge, as you do :augie

Opened up the lappy and did the DVLA apply for license online thing. Many many cups of coffee later and 14 quid worse off I was legal to drive again :clap
What's more it turns out that only for the second time since I was 16 that I appear to have a clean license :jump

Every cloud and all that
Garage was still not tidy so erm, I borrowed the kitchen to knock up the barn doors , as you do :wasntme

Weather was improving so I erm didn't tidy the garage and spent some time trying to get rebates from all my insurance companies I'd told I still had points. Many many cups of coffee later I just had a hot ear and a messy garage :lamer:
Ah well better get these doors done and out the kitchen before I end up in brownie point deficit
Shot off early ish today to frame up and fit them so her indoors could get the oven door open again
Spent far too long putting the world to rights with my customer and didn't finish till late.

Came in and gave my darling wife a special present to say thanks :bow
The wine bell :beer

Proper handy as I can watch the rugby and she can demand wine accordingly :lol
Funny old week and my garage is exactly the same asit was on Monday :hide: