I fitted an electronic one from ebay, Not the most accurate, but it did show pressure, when I had the dodgy oil High pressure sensor to prove.
I removed the low pressure sensor near the oil filter casing.
And fitted the electronic gauge sensor, using swan thread sealant.
Worked fine, but when engine cold, showed >80 psi which I was surprised to see. ( not as accurate as a analogue)
I holesawed a 50mm hole down next to the headlamp adjuster switch then reamed it out a bit and forced the 52mm diameter gauge into the hole.
The low pressure sensor disconnected means the oil lamp does not come on with ignition lights on start up.
However, if you have not sorted your high pressure oil sensor fault, then you will still get the lamp coming on a intermittantly.
Regardless of oil pressure, (mine did.)
The Analogue ones are best, but you have to run the pipe to the gauge.
I have just removed the oil pressure gauge and fitted a Volt meter in it's
place, If my oil light comes on again I'll stick it back on.
If I was going to leave the oil gauge on and keep the Nissan sensors in place then I would get a braided pipe with 1/8" bsp males on it and fit that in the block and put a "Tee" piece on the hose so both sensors can be fitted, and mounted on the bulkhead.
The electronic oil gauge pressure sensor is fairly large and heavy and I wouldn't trust it on a "Tee" piece fitted directly in the engine block, could easily sheer off.
Hope this helps.