When I bought my Patrol, the garage "serviced" it before I picked it up, turns out their idea of a service was to put the most horrid nasty oil they could find in it. Next morning I started it up and the oil light came on, this scared the life out of me but I did remember seeing something about it on the net, search revealed a good way to test the switch is to start the vehicle buy turning the key straight to the start position without stopping and waiting for the preheat light to go off, when you do this the oil light should go off.
I test started mine a dozen times and every time I stopped key midway and resumed turning after the pre heat light went out the oil light stayed on, every time I put the key in and instantly turned it to the cranking position the light went out, this convinced me that the fault is electrical not low oil pressure.
I fitted a upgrade kit to mine that Nissan happily robed me of about £110.00 for, however 3 years later same problem, best and quickest fix is to replace hp oil switch only forget the kit and budget for another switch in 3 years time.
Kind regards