Oil cooler

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Sep 6, 2008
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Has anyone bothered fitting an engine oil cooler to their T2 :confused:

Sorting out my collection of bits and pieces I have all the bits to do it just not sure whether to or not :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Any thoughts?

I reckon anything that keeps the temp down within reason has to be a good idea :confused:
where would you fit it?

i thought the T2 had one at the bottom of the rad any way..

or am i thinking of some thing else
I would say that unless you are into heavy towing in 30+ deg C heat with substantially increased horsepower, then it is un-necessary- given that the Terrano is built in spain and they didnt deem it necessary there?!
When you say "high power" would that be in the 175 bhp region?
Tweekin' the LPG so could well be over that with a bit of luck:naughty
Why not put a temp gauge on it?

If you get an oil temp of much over 110 deg c, then you ought to have a cooler and 'stat. Over cooled oil is worse than too hot mind.

I know on some engines an oiler cooler is almost essential, but on others when the only cost is some new hose isnt it worth it??????

The first car I fitted one to was a hard driven astra gte in the 1980's I dont know if anyone recalls but they were notorious for cam wear and oil related problems.

I thrashed that car for 106 000 miles, no significant drop in oil pressure , no excess wear on the cam and no oil related problems.

The cooler had to have helped.

Just wondering if it would help on the T2 :nenau:nenau

Has anyone fitted one?
Why not put a temp gauge on it?

If you get an oil temp of much over 110 deg c, then you ought to have a cooler and 'stat. Over cooled oil is worse than too hot mind.


I cant see it overcooling tbh. I have a stat to go in anyway and it would be located right by the sandwich plate so that would be sorted :thumb2
:doh Brilliant :doh
Why didnt I think of that? Cheers boss, I'm on it :thumbs

Keep us updated :thumb2

My logic (and this is as it flows out of my bonce :p) is that the engine heats up, anything from very hot to incredibly hot.

As you say Timbo theyre built in Spain but so's my missus SEAT Ibiza :augie Terranos are also operated in the cold without rads being blanked off to prevent overcooling so they clearly have a wide operating range in the Europe spec motor.

Sooo..........If you remove the viscous fan and fit electric ones the general consensus seems to be particularly when towing you may occasionally find you need to refit the viscous ie youre loading it heavily for its cooling ability.....yes?

However...........Other things cooling your engine are oil (indirectly) and water (accepted cooling system).

If the oil is a few degrees cooler the water cooling wont be working quite as hard but can hack it if it hits higher temps than usual but no need to refit the viscous fan and therefore maintaining the advantages of electric fan.

The oil cant overcool or go through its rad before it hits operating temp because of the stat. The water is controlled as normal by its stat.

ie More efficient fluid cooling means less work for mechanical cooling and more power to the fly wheel :confused: :thumbs

Does that make sense :doh or am I missing something :augie
I'll go gauge first as I've got a set in the shed:D
Got oil pressure and temp gauge(old skool) will be after a turbo boost gauge asap too.
How will the thermostat be working in the oil circuit?
I'll take a pic (its in the outlaws garage stored at present) about the size of a small oil filter with 4 ports on it. When its cold the stat is closed and the flow goes in one from the sandwich plate then straight back into the engine via another (two on one side generally via the lumpy bit in the middle) completley ignoring the other two which connect ot the rad.

When it warms...........youve got it , the lumpy bit in the middle doesnt do anything and allows a straight flow thorugh:thumb2 just got to know which is which connection :lol


Different shape to mine but same idea :thumb2
the 2.7tdi already has an oil cooler fitted as standard, its located on the side of the engine underneath the intake manifold. if look on the workshop manual at 'EM' page 100 you can see it illustrated. i was thinking about modifying the original cooler to have a 'remote' cooler ie fitted in a vented area in the engine bay. between the input and output pipes i was going to fit a thermostatic valve like this:


and to finish it all off, i was going to fit it with a leccy fan which would be linked to my current twin fan setup on my main radiator. as daveb has just said, it would take some of the 'strain' off the water cooling system especially since im thinking of doing some more travelling in hotter climes

the only difficulty im having is finding a car breakers that doesnt mind breaking the engine for parts because all the ones i know want to sell it complete
the 2.7tdi already has an oil cooler fitted as standard, its located on the side of the engine underneath the intake manifold. if look on the workshop manual at 'EM' page 100 you can see it illustrated.

Section LC pg 25 shows it better.

Its just a fairly primitive oil to water heat exchanger. The proposed thermostatically controlled oil to air will be more efficient and will unload the water cooling circuit somewhat by removing the need for radiator to remove the heat that has come from the oil systemwell as the straight water cooling.
No you haven't, you've linked us to a document on your hard drive - that doesn't work, you need to use the manage attachments bit button the advanced replie box.

I know! it crashed uploading hence its edited above ;)

Haaaaa.....sussed it :D


Cant see them on this one but mine has arrows to dhow flow stamped on it