:doh Brilliant :doh
Why didnt I think of that? Cheers boss, I'm on it :thumbs
Keep us updated :thumb2
My logic (and this is as it flows out of my bonce

) is that the engine heats up, anything from very hot to incredibly hot.
As you say Timbo theyre built in Spain but so's my missus SEAT Ibiza :augie Terranos are also operated in the cold without rads being blanked off to prevent overcooling so they clearly have a wide operating range in the Europe spec motor.
Sooo..........If you remove the viscous fan and fit electric ones the general consensus seems to be particularly when towing you may occasionally find you need to refit the viscous ie youre loading it heavily for its cooling ability.....yes?
However...........Other things cooling your engine are oil (indirectly) and water (accepted cooling system).
If the oil is a few degrees cooler the water cooling wont be working quite as hard but can hack it if it hits higher temps than usual but no need to refit the viscous fan and therefore maintaining the advantages of electric fan.
The oil cant overcool or go through its rad before it hits operating temp because of the stat. The water is controlled as normal by its stat.
ie More efficient fluid cooling means less work for mechanical cooling and more power to the fly wheel

Does that make sense :doh or am I missing something :augie