off roading on beach

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
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hi very new to site.want to take my terrano on the beach to collect some logs any tips for driving on sand? ta
yep.. dont!

ok, from what ive read.. only read mind..

tyres sould be raod or AT, and the muds can just dig you in to holes, lower the presaure by at least half, so teh trye flattens out giveing more grip

i think i also read some where use 3wd high, not low.. as low you can get wheel spin, and again gid yourself in. if you can get some waffle boards. and a mate with a tow rope just in case, or a winch, even if its just a hand one.. better than nothng.
Also make absolute sure you ave a legal right to be there. Many beaches and even more margins are SSSI's etc ad you ca get in to serious trouble if you are caught.

After that

Get out and walk first. Theres usually a harder area of sand below high water mark, you need to find where it is. Above high water mark tends to be soft sand where you will easily get stuck.

You need to aim to cross the soft areas in as a straight a line as possible, turning will slow you down and that combined with the drag from te soft sand could be enough to get you stuck.

However tempting it is avoid driving in the water - you can't see what it is hiding, rocks, shelves, soft areas etc.

Use momentum rather than power 2nd or 3rd in low box and just keep going till you reach where you want to stop. Plan where you are going to turn around, either a really big circle to minimize the slowing drag of turning or shunt i around on the harder line of wet sand - a lot depends how steeply the beach shelves. If need be reverse out if turning might get you stuck.

Final tip don't go as the only 4x4 there, take some really long ropes and keep the 2nd vehicle off the beach so it can recover you from hard standing if possible.
Don't forget you can also air down to increase your footprint to help prevent sinking but equally it creates more drag so can be a hinderance as well - I'd leave it for just in case to give you some options if you do come unstuck
HB is absolutely correct about rights of access. Many beaches that are open to the public by right of implication or permission do so under the strictest of rules which you may not be aware of.

Near us its predominantly council and port authority who own the sand area.

They both allow sailing walking etc but hammer down hard on vehicles of all descriptions. The only authorised ones I can think of being the coal collectors.

Quite possibly different near you but I wouldn't risk it.

Now a private beach where youre allowed...........WOOHOO :lol:
Beach is brill, I'm lucky and get on the beach every other week. Dont worry about dropping your pressure unless EVERYTHING else fails. Do use wide tyres though AND get some proper wide ones on your trailer. I tow boats down the beach and momentum is key (as HB).Summer time the worst cause of deep dry sand so do check how deep the soft stuff is.\I'm still on muds but dont rev things....unless ofcourse you want to do drawings in the sand!
We have sand drwgs comp on the beach between jeep.mav.suzy and dirty great landy. Basically you hammer it down the beach welly it into hanbrake turns etc to drawer the given image. Big willies always a favorite 8O