odd starter

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
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getting more frequent now but engine turns over and starts , try to rev and cuts out , try to restart just smokes but does start as if fuel starvation ?

when trying to restart all the dash lights that come on when stating iluminate and the buzzer for the glow plug is continuous .

leave for a few miniute and starts ok , only happens so far when cold and not all the time.

only started to happen past few days any ideas , the filters were changed 4 weeks ago , so no issues dirty filters .

any ideas ?
yeah does sound electrical, perhaps a bad earth or as Zippy says, possible bad connection, broken clamp or cracked wire.
Air lock although that should clear itself
Blocked filter housing
Crack off an injector pipe & make sure its squirting out not dribbling

As above

Check wiring


What fuel do you use.?
sorry for late reply working nights and just got up :(

well , freezing cold this morning when came out of work , fired up on the button , i did think glow plugs were causing as only happens when cold . so guess that fine.

I just run on diesel dont use bio fuel . from the cloud of smoke when trying to start i would think that fuel getting through but not burning , when it fires up it runs perfect no smoke at all .

these intermittent faults are a pain , will check the earths as mentioned .
well checked all earths and connectors all seem ok . today a real pain to start even when warm, so my next thought is fuel . since the problem has mainly started since the fuel filter change im thinking that the diaphram in the priming pump has split , the filter is on tight , does anyone have spare i could buy .

now when you start its like the fuel is slowly pumping through to start then eventually fires up
If you are sure the filter is on properly, and its sealing, then could well be the primer diaphragm.

Also check the rubber & steel hoses on the bulkhead...
filter is on as tight as can get it , even after running the priming pump goes soft , pump it and goes solid again :naughty it just seems that it wont hold any pressure.
thank you for reply timbo . i've just had a look and can hear the bubbles of air coming from top of plunger . going to work in bit , got to use the wifes car.
To eliminate the filter, bypass it by just looping a hose to the 2 bulk head pipes :thumbs
If the problem goes then you know its the filter or filter housing. :thumbs
If its still there then move backwards to the tank by getting a jerry can & stick the hose in that so your then by passing the tank, pipes, filter & housing. :thumbs
If its still there then it will be from the pump up to the injectors. :thumbs
Crack off all injector rails & mini filter to make sure diesel is getting through constant with no bubbles. :thumbs
Simples :lol :augie :thumbs
dosen't the priming head also have a 1 way valve (diaphram)to keep the pump side pressurised , i know fuel getting through cause it does start eventully just seems to take a while to pull through .

if i eliminated the filter housing and just connected the hoses together from the filter head would this not show same fault as no pressure in line .
thank you for reply timbo . i've just had a look and can hear the bubbles of air coming from top of plunger . going to work in bit , got to use the wifes car.

As an emergency measure i've run a bead of silicone around the primer knob to seal it up til you can replace the filter head.
thanks timbo , off to work now will try your idea tomorrow when i get up , dave