Nowhere near Lazyferret's fantastic effort this weekend...

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Mar 17, 2013
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... but I did manage some very minor recovering myself this weekend :nenau

Fully loaded Council LDV Tipper "broke" down on Saturday morning on one of Dundee's biggest crossroads on the main dual carriageway coming down from Aberdeen. Fuel lines airlocked so can only guess the muppets had let her run dry and didn't know how to bleed her :doh. They'd shut down right at the line and blocked all traffic turning right off the northbound dualled lane (including me!) and due to the level of traffic (ie. lots) and timing of the lights you couldn't just drive around them and turn right.

Everyone in front of me decided to just move into one of the straight on lanes, I got out and offered a hand just as someone manoeuvred a Vauxhall estate car in front of it (would have loved to see the car trying to move it!). Got the Trol in front and was about to get my 2m towing strap out (figured the 7m recovery strap would be overkill) when the council guy says he'll just use the rope he'd got tied to LDV's towing eye - fair enough... it took one (gentle) diesel grunt from the Trol to snap the rope :rolleyes: (and I was going careful to take up the slack!). Tow strap back out the boot and shackled in place and we had the tipper moving without so much as batting an eye, even gave them a tow start (twice as they didn't keep the revs up first time).

Any idea what sort of weight that was to pull? It was a proper dual rear wheel job and fully loaded must have weighed a wee bit as even being gentle there was still a jerk as the Trol took up the weight?
I think the LDV tipper is a 3.5 ton vehicle, if it's the small tipper you mean.
The next size up would be 7.5 ton.
Good on you for unblocking the road network
I think the LDV tipper is a 3.5 ton vehicle, if it's the small tipper.
The next size up would be 7.5 ton.
Good on you for unblocking the road network
I once pulled an empty 7.5 tonner from a muddy field, was after a carnival, I was on the comittee.
My Mav pulled it out no problem, didn't get any mud down the side of the Mav even.

Just looked at the tare weight of these trucks, and they are around 4 tonne.

The driver was amazed, he sad you won't get me out with that!
When I got him onto the tarmac, I could see that his front wheels weren't even straight in the direction we were going, he said I just dragged him.

I once pulled a Vauxhall people carrier and a LR Freelander up a snowbound bank, the Vauxhall had skidded off the road and down into a trench, the Freelander had pulled down the bank and got stuck trying to rescue the Vauxhall, I tied a rope to the rear axle of the LR and pulled both out...much to the amazement of all watching including an AA patrol man
I once pulled a Vauxhall people carrier and a LR Freelander up a snowbound bank, the Vauxhall had skidded off the road and down into a trench, the Freelander had pulled down the bank and got stuck trying to rescue the Vauxhall, I tied a rope to the rear axle of the LR and pulled both out...much to the amazement of all watching including an AA patrol man

Well done, just shows what you can do with a little common sense, Rick
Well done... It's always such a shame you can never get a picture as a memento when you do that sort of thing, as it looks so impressive when you stick a car in front of a truck, even if it is as big as a Trol

When a was a Kid, we had a Wolseley 6/110, with a large caravan on the back, and somewhere up north, we got stuck in traffic, in a huge dip in the road, where the hill up each side was very steep. The Auto gearbox decided to chose then to over heat, and there was no way we could get back up either hill as it started to slip

This farmer with an old Massey, that had twin 4 wheel trailers on the back loaded to the sky with hay, stopped to see if he could help, and could at least tow us to the top, so we could run down the hill into the next town to get it looked at. We all expected him to drive off to the farm, and come back empty, but he just pulled in front, took a bit of wire off of the back of the tractor, and hitched up to the front of the car. He then pulled the whole lot up this hill with out batting an eye lid.

Dad had took some slides of it when we got to the top, as it was such an impressive road train, but goodness knows what happened to them now. When you looked at them though, with this tiny little tractor at the front, you would actually have thought it was the massive car pushing every thing up the hill, not the other way round.:lol
Cheers lads, yeh totally thought after I should've taken a pic but didn't want to hold up the (many) Saturday drivers! :lol

It looked a lot like the one in you're link Rustic but with dual wheels on the rear (couldn't see it listed as an option in the link). Like your story Rustic :thumb2 doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you managed an 8 tonner, the Trol's rated to 3.5t but actual capability is a good bit higher.

Lazyferret your story reminds of one of mine - a few years ago during the summer I was baling straw for my mate in a field next to the main road with the big square baler while he picked up with his loader behind me. For carting he has a big twin axle artic flatbed trailer with a single axle dolly on the front so it can be towed by the tractor or the loader, takes around 50 bales at a time iirc.

Trailer loaded up and my mate hitched the loader in front and headed back to the yard running up the field along the fence that ran next to the road. Just a wee bit ahead of him, on the road, a car had pulled out a junction with a tin tent in tow and was slowly making its way up the gradual incline of the road in the same direction as my mate was going... the loader had gathered momentum by that point and was going well. As the loader and fully loaded trailer drew level and overtook (!) the car and caravan my mate glance at the driver and just about wet himself as the driver's face changed from a determined "I'm towing my caravan" to "bugger me that's a big trailer!" :lol