Following on from my previous post, I found these notes that I did when I added molyslip to my gearboxes.
I had a slight whine when I slowed down using the gears approaching junctions, this was what I did.....
20th March 2007
I have now changed the gearbox oil, added 105ml of molyslip G and 100ml of multiglide, I jacked up the passenger side and overfilled by approx 200ml, I took her for a 20 mile drive to get the oil circulating, and 2 days later the gear box noise has reduced by 80% I could not believe it.
Today I did the transfer box, but only added 50ml of G and 50ml of multiglide.
Tip, in order to fill the gearbox and avoid gear oil running down your arm, get a 1 metre length of garden hose with a funnel at one end open the bonnet and thread the hose down the back of the engine, ty-wrap the funnel to the fuel filter hoses then go below and position the pipe into the fill hole, but wedge it up so that the pipe flows down into the gearbox, otherwise the oil will run back along the hose.
Warm the oil container first (in a bucket of hot water) and it goes in a treat.
Wow was it that long ago, nearly 5 years, anyhow, still quiet, still on the same gear oil too. In fact the noise has gone away, I never notice it at all now.... :thumb2
Wife says I am going deaf :doh but I like to call it selective hearing.:lol:lol:lol
If you have excessive wear, the molyslip may not help, but on mine it has been fantastic. I even put a small amount in the power steering too, but NOT rear diff.
I even put some in the wife's Picasso box, and that was 60k miles ago....
As a prevention. Had some left so.....
That was a job to get it in, I eventually removed the top vent.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,