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Supporting Member
Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
Looks like someone has taken the whole site down and the guy that runs it has no recent back up :eek:

I bet he's gutted.
I'm a Mod over there and I aint too happy at all
The Owner now is in the states and doesn't have a Navara at all, he just likes websites!
Will have to wait and see what happens
I'm a Mod over there and I aint too happy at all
The Owner now is in the states and doesn't have a Navara at all, he just likes websites!
Will have to wait and see what happens
So what happened?... it looks malicious to me being as all the backups got zapped as well as the site going down :(
What about the server?.
Did they not do a daily back up?.

Our old web host did one every 24 hours just in case someone hacked the site!.

May be his server was not as good as the one we had or the one you have now!.

How is swearing on this site now?

Cos the guy that ownes is a ******* stupid **** the place is crap since his take over, I used to love it now its crap, cos one guy bought it who dont give a ****!
Hey N.N. - maybe you should introduce him to Rab. C. Nesbitt and his "Glaswegian Kiss "
i suppose rther has to be some good in a rival 4x4 site's failure, its mean to say but just as a new nissan 4x4 site can loose members for this one, the failure of a site could gain us a few? :naughty
So I got a reply email from the owner yesterday after sending him a angry email.

His reply was simply go look at the website for an explination. And you know what I dont think I can be arsed!!

Fellow Navara.neters is the site working again?
So I got a reply email from the owner yesterday after sending him a angry email.

His reply was simply go look at the website for an explination. And you know what I dont think I can be arsed!!

Fellow Navara.neters is the site working again?

Just had a look - looks like it's been re-started.

Don't think I'll bother tho'
May be it's better it has died if the owner wasn't interested anymore (I've no idea about that as I wasn't a member). It may possibly be better to have one big strong club/web site than lot's of small weak ones. Shark1e and then Mav built strong firm foundations and Bat now has the job of keeping on building a strong club/web site for us all to enjoy and benefit from. I'm pretty sure Bat will be doing this for us behind the scenes, beavering away un seen and may be un-noticed when things run smoothly. It is far better for us all that we encourage new members from failed clubs like that to help build a stronger club/web site for us as a whole.:thumb2

Jim T
Well Im here for the long hall!!!

Might get a few emails off the aussy boys, they know what they are doing with trucks out there!!