hi guys thanks for the info well i had some bad new and good
the while i was driving to my bothers the clutch went couldnt move forward or backwards on a round about mid morning

any ways i pushed it along some guy helped me aways got it to safty.
rang the RAC up they didnt no who i was

and basicky since iv only brought the van on monday

any way i cut the story short the i only had brake down cover for ten miles and it would cost 7 quid per mile after that

but glad i was only 11 miles so i had to pay 7 quid.
now it isnt over !!!!!!
they be out within 75 mins that was 1hr 45 mins they arrived ahhh he said the clutch slave cylinder has gone ???
he phoned around there are choice of two sir 1 they have in the other they dont so ill get the one so he did 40 quid okay this is the clutch i was thinging about. he came back miles to big so he said you need a toe he be with you within 15 mins.
i phoned around and i got a quote oh 69 quid okay fair enouth the other one 56 quid ill take both becouse i dont no this was a company in bilston.
3hrs later the toe guy came around very nice guy said there was so busy that one guy was waiting from 9am and they picked him up at 3pm

so got home went online surch for a new place in Birmingham for parts you no just to get 5 or 6 quid cheaper parts.
euro car parts i phoned 16 quid including vat 19.86 pence. order it today.
couldn't believed it excatley the same thing

but pissed off that 1 i nearly got riped off 2 that rac taking its time 3) people was trying to rip me off i felt like :splif
any ways fitted it this morning no problem it wasn't even hard

but i broke down again next to Halfords of all the places, the people that last time tried to rip me off :doh i thought the clutch had totaly gone the clutch pedal was total hard. i was in a lay by a tram line that runs on the road i was acutulay on the yell big dots that means the tram can hit i was nearly run over by the dam thing, but god who ever may be was watching over me

i took it off load of gunk in it again taped and hammered the dam thing and all the black bits came out sprayed all over me went underneath topped it again.
it was still the same striped it down again couldn't believe it the clutch was rock hard so i lost my tempa,
I stood up and im a big guy and i slamed ,my foot down like i was stamping on some bodys head and hurd a big clunk any ways iv fitted it all back togeather and now it works perfect untill next time :thumbs:lol:nenau