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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
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Had an idea about my next off-roader, Once the Trooper goes ( 8O :cry: ) Was originally thinking Frontera Sport BUT then looking at my Terrano I thought why not an older one :?:

Question is- Are they good at difficult off-roading :?: Not had much experience in using any of my T2's off-road.
Was hoping on a 2 inch suspension lift (Hummingbirds springs on the rear) and wind torsions 2 inch at front, Is that achievable? Then 31 inch tyres all round 8)

Been looking about and can get one MOT'd on an L/M plate for 650-750£ which is pretty good. Would love another Trooper but too expensive :(
Any thoughts?
I too can admit to being suprised by how good a t2 is off road, I have owned a few troopers, swb and long whel base 2.3 & 2.6 petrol and a 2.8 and 3.1 diesel, the 2.8 diesel swb the best of the lot.

But it was no better off road than a t2! not all troopers have an lsd either so if thats the case the t2 is going to be better.

the only down side seems to be the torsion bars but! later troppers have them too!
My troop has LSD works a treat :smile: so all T2's have LSD

TD- My old L reg was TD (and perfect for off-roading- why o why did I get rid of it :cry: ) Can't afford a TDI for off road, I know my T reg has a lot more power than the TD but the TD should be capable shouldn't they?

what about the 2.4s? My uncle said stay clear (he was a Ford mechanic once)
extreme-4x4 said:
good idea just make sure you get a tdi and not a td

why? I have off roaded with both and there is nothing to choose between them! any advantage gained by few etra horse powers is niethe rhere nor there, in low gears on loose surfaces, (if it were landrovers and discos would win hands down & the mighty suzuki SJ's would have never earned their off road reputaion) plus if you are going to knock it about then surely the cheaper the better! The Td also has less under bonnet electronics to go wrong (think MAF)

SO I would think TD, having said that i passed a lovely white TDI SWB today for sale, it looked spotless on an R plate, a fore court sale at £1275 I am sure the trader would haggle on the price it had good tyres and reay did look (from driving past) a decent buy
PLANK said:
if it were landrovers and discos would win hands down

Why do you say that Plank - until the TD5, ALL diesel landies have been underpowered hence the big arket in upgrading them and the reason so many have jap diesels transplanted into them.

But yes I agree the Td nissan engine would be fine, and I never had any problems with my old petrol either, just needs to be a gear down on the diesel equivalent diesel so you can get the torque through gearing rather than inherent engine characteristics.
only as most of them had more horse power from the factory gates which on paper is fine but in reality matters very little!

hence my preference for and recomendation of a td t2