New member tel80y with a problem

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I'm a new member living in Livingston Scotland. Although I'm not new to owning a Ford Maverick. I had a 1994 2.7 TD GLX LWB which I bought on Ebay two yearsago. I had enjoyed driving it and found it a very versatile vehicle, until a delivery truck in a narrow lane decided to do some bodywork modifications without my permission. the Insurers deemed it beyond economic repair and paid me out enough to buy a new(er) one.

As I had a good experience last time, decided to stick with the Maverick and used Ebay again. I bought a 1997 Ford Maverick 2.7 TD Aspen LWB on Ebay, it looked in very good condition, 106 k mile, FSH, bodywork and interior in excellent condition. I spent about 45 minutes crawling under and over it, did the usual engine checks and listen carefully to the gear changes when I test drove it. I even took a voltameter and checked the battery and alternator output.

I drove it home and 280 miles later a piston or rings went on the A1 at about 70 mph and I have now got clouds of smoke coming from the exhaust and oil pumping out of the dipstick tube.

I got a tow home and looked at it the next day. i checked the oil level and it was off the bottom of the stick, it took 5 litres to bring it up to top notch. The engine starts and runs but tick over seems low and a bit lumpy. I have not tried to drive it as it is leaking oil.

It's pretty obvious that i need to replace the engine, but its is the question of what with? I have had some quotes for engine rebuilding (with guarantees) in th £1300 (inc VAT) region and I have seen the Ebay adverts for engines from £375 to £500 from breakers (with guarantees!?!?!?!?!).

I am unsure if I need to get an engine of a particular vintage as I've seen adverts saying suit 93-96 etc. I have got the opportunity to get my original vehicle back from the insurance people. Would the engine from a 1994 2.7 TD be suitable to use as a donor? Would I be able to swap part to bring it up to 1997 Spec., what would need to be changed and is any of it technically challenging.

If I go for a rebuild of the current engine, is there any easy way to check
that major items like the turbo and the diesel pump have not been damaged.

Anyone got a 1997 spec 2.7 td with reasonable mileage for sale at a reasonable price?

Any and all advice gratefully received.

think you will find the newer one will be a tdi(with inter cooler on top)and air scoop on bonnet.the older one will be a td.i could be wrong :?i'm sure some one with more knowledge will be able to give you more help.
welcome to the club :smile:
you came to the right place :smile:
Hin Tel80y,
Welcome to the club, If you put your motors details on you will get help quicker.
My mate said that there was a terrano in the scrappy in uddingston (Birnams) Dont know the age !, could be worth a phone

to be honest... id try a good local car repair man ( everyone has one) to slip the head off and have a look... cracked head or head gasket could cause the oil to become under pressure possibly the turbo

i wouldnt rush into anything
hi tel80y and welcome to the club,sorry can't help much with your problem!! :roll:
Hello and welcome tel80y,

Your new mav being a 1997 round headlight model will have as mentioned before a 2.7tdi engine that is a fly by wire engine and controlled by electronics.
Your previous one would have been a 2.7td engine with mechanical controls, so a straight engine swap is out of the question. At the best you would be able to swap the short motor (block crank and pistons) but not entirely sure if this is straight forward or wether you could use the head.
If your engine is knocking, there is every possibility that your engine has dropped a liner that is not uncommon with these engines, if this has happened and you have driven any distance with it gone, then there is a chance the block is shot ruling out reconditioning the engine.
You really need to remove the head and take a look in to see what the damage is before making a dissension.

If you decide to get another second hand engine, you need to make sure it is around the same age as yours, as the electrical side of things including the injection pump changed to Bosch in 1998 I think, although you may find some later than this running Hitachi electrics and Zexel pumps I think these were just registered late but produced earlier.
I did the google bit & used one of those find a part free services when I recently changed my gearbox prices ranged from £200-£860 with guarantees..., the interesting thing I found out was that if they have any BAD feedback they are not allowed to ue the service you do stand to make huge saving...I even got free P&P £75 worth... so would shop around...& if they have the part but not the price tell them many are quite willing to match or better your price...
Happy hunting
hi tel8oy, welcome to the club, sorry to hear of your problems, should get the info you need from here, :thumb2

Welcome to the site sorry to hear your bad news. I had trouble with my terrano when I bought it of ebay. However with the help of members here Its all sorted now and running well. Good luck don't give up its worth it in the end:thumbs
Welcome to the site sorry to hear your bad news. I had trouble with my terrano when I bought it of ebay. However with the help of members here Its all sorted now and running well. Good luck don't give up its worth it in the end:thumbs

thats ok my lady...

i didnt help i know but i hope i did make you smile or laugh

hi mate

welcome to the site, their alot of guys on here who may be able to help. but just be careful if you need to get another engine, i have heard of a few horror stories about people getting stuff secondhand. if it is still in the car , try to see it running and check mileage. scrappies tend not to be to honest when it comes to selling.
good luck

dave g :thumb2
Welcome aboard from Plymouth !

Sorry to hear about your truck. IHMO, I would go for a replacement engine from a reputable dealer, possibly one that only deals in Nissan. There is only one that I know of, and have used them in the past for small bits and pieces, they were very knowlegeable and helpful :

Nissan 1st : (01938) 555750

Good luck, let us know how you get on,

Lee. :thumbs
Welcome to the club Tel , sorry to hear about your truck problems. I would be very careful about engines from scrappies, after a bad experience with one. Have you checked the "Items for sale" forums to see if anyone is breaking a truck of the same year ??