Mrs 3 Ltr MOT today

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Off road maniac
Club Member
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Yep up for the test today, a bit overdue but took advantage of the 6 month deferment, gave me time to sand blast it all and spray underseal every where, replaced both bottom ball joints as boots were split together with the CVJ boots, across axle brake lines and NS rear seat belt mount needed a small plate, also sorted the sticking speedo, clean bill of health for another year, Rick
Well done Rick! :thumb2

Just a word of caution. Be careful with the 6 months MOT extension as not every insurance company allows you to use it and invalidates your insurance! (Not an issue for you Rick, more for others reading this)
Sorry did not take any pics, what with the sand and then the black stuff, was just not the place for a camera, suffice to say took 12 20Kg bags sand and 9 x 1ltr cans of spray underseal, re the insurance aspect they will find any excuse to invalidate a claim, and yes happy Mrs is a happy life and **** the world, it has gone beyond mad, Rick
Do you use kiln dried sand through an air sand blasting gun Rick? Works well, have you tried it through a jet wash attachment? Good media & cheap but worth mentioning the danger of silicosis attached to using it dry for those that may want to try.

I recently tried glass beads as could not get kiln dried sand at the time, took ages to load it into the pot and the dust was untrue, worked OK but needed very different settings re grit supply/air supply, and if the two are mixed absolutely useless to get a regular pattern, so yes kiln dried sand is king, got the Patrol to re do after all the damage sustained off road so will try and post pics, Rick
Yes tried jet wash blasting in the past but flash rusting takes place far to quick and not worth the effort, even with two part epoxy paints that are supposed to cater for that, had a narrow boat and blasted that totally inside and out, so have much experience on this issue, Rick