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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2009
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How many moderators does it take to screw in a light bulb? One. They think the world revolves around them.

What do moderators and cow pies have in common? The older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

Why do moderators like tilt steering wheels? More head room!

Why don't moderators eat pickles? Because they get their heads stuck in the jar.

What do moderators say after making love? "are you boys all on the same team?"

Why do moderators wash their hair in the sink? That's where you wash vegetables.

Why does the moderator have TGIF written on here tennis shoes? "Toes Go In First."

What do moderators and beer bottles have in common? their both empty from the neck up.

How do you give a moderator a brain transplant? Blow in his ear.

What do you call a zit on a moderator's butt? A brain tumor.

What's the advantage of being married to a moderator?
You can park in a handicapped zone.

How do you make a moderator laugh on a Monday morning?
Tell him the joke on a Friday afternoon.

If a moderator and a brunette jumped off a 20-story building at the same time, who would hit the ground first? The brunette. The moderator would stop and ask for directions.

How can you tell that a moderator has been using your computer? There's White-out all over the screen.

Why do moderators have so much free time? Because so little is expected of them.

How many moderators does it take to make chocolate chip cookies? Three. One to mix the batter, two to peel the M&M's.

How do you drive a moderator insane? Ask him to alphabetize your M&M's.

What do you call three moderators standing shoulder to shoulder, ear to ear? A wind tunnel.

Why did god give moderators one more brain cell than a horse? So whey they're waving in a parade, they won't crap in the street.

What do you call fifteen moderators standing in a circle? A dope ring.

If Tarzan and Jane were moderators, what would Cheetah be? The smartest of the three.

Two moderators were walking along and came to some tracks. One moderator said "Those look like deer tracks."
And the other said, "No, they look like moose tracks." They were both still arguing when the train hit them.

What do you call 1,000 moderators at the bottom of the sea? A good start.

Why don't moderators become pharmacists? They can't figure out how to get that little bottle in the typewriter.

What is the difference between an intelligent moderator and bigfoot? Bigfoot has been sighted.

Two moderators were driving along and the one moderator asked the other to check and see if his turn signal was working. The other replied, "It is, it isn't, it is, it isn't, it is,..."
maybe hes had his wrist slapped for some thing

Nowt like that I just saw it on another site and it made my laugth..I thought it might bring a smille to some faces. As three of me mates are mods on here and I used to be one ages back.:p
Nice one muzz good to see your still on form :)

P.s there's always space for u mate you would love to be a mod again :lol :lol