Just realised today that the electric mirrors don't work on the terrano, heated not power.
Took the door card off to find that connectors not connected but on closer look the mirrors have a female oval connector and male rectangular connector - no fit?
Browsing through eBay, looks like mirrors fitted (chrome) are form pre face lift models.
But I like the chrome mirrors!
Has anyone ever cut the connectors and put the wires together?
- they are different colours? (if same would have been easy)
Took the door card off to find that connectors not connected but on closer look the mirrors have a female oval connector and male rectangular connector - no fit?
Browsing through eBay, looks like mirrors fitted (chrome) are form pre face lift models.
But I like the chrome mirrors!
Has anyone ever cut the connectors and put the wires together?
- they are different colours? (if same would have been easy)