Mercedes ML270cdi

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Nov 30, 2004
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got a pal keen to get one, cant convince better with a troll terrano pathy
even a shogun!

hed had a freelander that he loved, it was ok i suppose but stolen, needs
7 seats so i said the above models or even a LR s2 disco, no got to be

any knowledge of them out there, and what to look for, problems etc

thanks in advance
Dont know too much about them as a car but I do know at least some of them have the same engine as my jeep, the 2.7crd.

Its a tough engine by all accounts and mine seems to be bearing that out but they do have a fondness for knackering out injectors . Theyre not cheap and with it being a 5 cylinder means its one more than a "conventional engine".

I have never driven one off road or towed with one. However we had them on fleet for a while. They withstood the mileage pretty well and were a decent drive.
cheers didnt realise were 5 pots, bit like those beemer diesels in LR D2
perhaps smoother than a 4.

saw quite a few tugging various tin tents on holiday, though not to talk
I think the engine has turned up in a lot of different Merc vehicles, just mated to different gear boxes. Service parts for it are dead easy to get hold of , relatively cheap and theres loads of Merc experts about the place.

Jeep got hold of the engine when they started working with Merc and building them in Austria which dealt with their problems of crap american build quality and the very poor earlier diesel engine.
I actually dislike the look of the ML's but thats a personal thing. Having said that it looks a good example.

Im not sure , and its my suspicious mind, if the seller has simply specified no engine knocks off the cuff or if theyve tried to avoid talking about other mechanical knocks and noises. Needs clarifying as does the owner bit. Have they tripped themselves up and theres two owners prior to themselves or are they already counting themselves as a prev owner? Probably the latter but asking them when you meet gives an indication of what theyre like, their confidence, knowledge, NVCs etc. All good once you get into the haggling ;)

Theres also no mention of a service record. Is there one or is it diy serviced, if so by whom? Dont rely on the MOT alone.

Its got a towbar, has it done much towing? if it has @ 64 000 it'll have a getting tired back end ;)

If it shares more than the engine with the jeeps your mate needs to check one or two things (I think it does tbh coming out of the same Austrian factory but will stand corrected)

One of the main ones is the climate control. With it being fully automated theres loads of little servos in there that move the vents what have you. They are prone to sticking/failing on some models. Seems a bit hit and miss but are dead easy to check just by putting it into manual and twiddling the knobs. If your mates diy its not a massive problem because a fix is labour intensive.

The other main one is the injectors. Standard smoke obs for that as first sign :thumb2

I think but Im not 100% it also shares a similar built style of auto box. Theyre sealed for life. Generally ok but a leak means think about walking away. VERY expensive to fix.

Some of the parts for it will be silly money so a thorough check of all gadgets. Good example is the heated seat. A bulb had gone in one of my switches (which are the same style if I recall) I thought what the hell I'll just stick a new switch in. Not at nearly £30 I didnt!!!!!

Thats how Id walk up to it ............. but Im a suspicious git :D

Having said all of that, its ended. Did he go for it?
he is going this week, appears seller is son in law, nice pad?
theres another merc saloon there and a rangey sport...

bid on it with out seeing it, says will view the decide!

have said thats not quite ebay procedure, but hey if not
right by more than can discount can walk away.