We had a mouse problem, despite having 12 ferrets and 2 cats... Some nights it was like our own version of "Tom and Jerry" on here..
The mouse would sit on top of the welsh dresser taunting the ferrets...
I went up into the loft for something, and I could hear them scampering between the felt and the tiles. mind you, the day it sat in the middle of the floor as we were watching TV, as it had a wash bold as brass was the day I drew the line.
Needless to say, traps and poison were out with the other animals around, and the humane traps just did not work, so we went for the Ultra sonic plug ins... perfect, they have no effect on the other animals and 4 strategically places units, one in the loft, one on the upstairs landing, one in the kitchen, and one in the living room, the mice all moved out.
We have had them for 6 years now, and we always had mice move in for the winter, but not since we got the plug ins.