Ian Broad
Just had it serviced and the engine high idles at 2000 rpm before droping down to just over 1000. Garage put a diag on it and it needed a new idle sensor valve, fitted ok but car still revs high at 2000 rpm then drops very slowly so if you depress clutch engine rises to 2000 rpm again. Garage has looked at everything and is completely baffled, checked throttle speed sensor, maf and lots . Anybody know a fix as garage is baffled! as nothing comes up as a fault.
Aproaching junction revs seem to stick at 2000 before droping slowly, very difficult to drive under 30mph as engine races away at 2000 rpm help! appreciated
Aproaching junction revs seem to stick at 2000 before droping slowly, very difficult to drive under 30mph as engine races away at 2000 rpm help! appreciated