Maveric Jerking

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New member
Mar 6, 2010
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I have a Ford Maveric 2.7Tdi that has just started acting up! when I start it its fine & will rev up! but when I put it in gear & set of it acts like its starved of fuel & jerks unless I go very slow then it is ok! can anyone help
fuel filter or lines like zippy says, very possibly MAF as well. does the EM light come on (it might just come on and off so you might not notice...). perhaps even open the fuel filter drain tap, see what comes out...
Yeah, I'd go with the cheap and relatively easy fixes first.

Fuel filter would be my first port of call. My Terrano had the same symptoms when I put vegetable oil in at too high a concentration when cold.

Have you filled up with different fuel recently?
