mav 2.7 cuts out then re starts

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help . i'm a new member , just got rid of a shogun and bought this 97 mav 2.7 for towing our pride and joy , problem is after starting up from cold i can drive 20 - 30 mins no problem then she will cut out for no apparent reason , as the car cuts out the glow plug light will appear but very dim and rev counter shoots up , the strange thing is once it cuts out it will restart fine and drive all day with no problems ????
fuel lines have been checked , i have paid 170 quid up to now with various experts? plugging it in and checking this and that , no faults are recorded on comp ? i got in touch with last owner (i got it from a garage), she said she got rid because of same problem , she was told ., you will have to live with it ??? any help/ advice would be extremely appreciated
thanks in anticipation

col :( :(
mav cutting out

thanks cameraman , and thanks for the welcome , i'm open to any suggestions we love this thing and something like this is not gonna beat us , however we dont have millions to spend fixing it!!

thanks again

I take it being a 1997 model it’s a 2.7tdi with the round headlights.
It sounds like an electrical problem to me, either a bad connection on supply to ecu or even an earthing fault.
It could also be the ecu itself.
It may also be something as silly as the alternator overcharging and sending a voltage spike to the ecu.

Oh nearly forgot welcome to the club
if u bought from garage you have 3mth warranty it does sound electrical to me aswell take back to garage you bought it from if theres any warranty tell them to fix it i wouldnt tell them youve already had it looked at incase they refuse warranty for that reason!
cameraman said:
Try cleaning out the mini fuel filter in downloads:

97 that will be a TDI won't it :? Do the TDI's have the mini filter :?:
Sorry almost forgot :oops: Hi & welcome to the club :smile:
maverick cutting out

thanks toolbox , sorry didn't give enough info, yes its the TDI with the round headlights , if it is as you suggest the ecu is there any way i can
confirm before i spend out on what sounds like an extremely costly replacement?

hi jace , thanks for the reply , unfortunately i bought the car with no warranty , basically sold as seen . i got what i thought at the time was a bargain !!

you live and learn..

id be checking batttery terminals and earth points on body an engine as basic trouble shoot.
there is a download i think showing you how to gt fault codes of ecu by number flashes the imobiliser light flashes.
thanks jace , i will check the terminals as you suggest , on the point of the fault codes one of the mechanics i took the car to had the software to read the codes but when plugged in no codes were recorded , his theory for this was that the fault is happening so quick the comp is not picking it up ??? took him 2 days for that advice !
is reading the codes using the method you suggest going to give different results ?

think how fast an engine works how many bits info your ecu is taking in and dealing with i doubt its happening so fast asto be missed by cars comp. i know if u can get fault code up some lads have the cd and will report back with what it means! anything worth a go!
you are dead right ! i'm prepared to try anything it's really doing my head in now.


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