Marker boards for towing in Spain?

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2007
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I've read that when towing a caravan in excess of 7 meters in Spain it needs 'long vehicle' marker boards on the rear. Has anyone experience of being required to display them when towing there?
Rgds CL
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frankly what crap, why should you have to mod your outfit as a fellow eu citizen if
your outfit is legal at home.

next thing will be your steering wheel is in wrong place.

and in that case why is it legit for fritz to bring his 8foot wide hobby here behind a car
when as a uk'er you cant have same outfit.

utter crap, like those red and white bike rack boards for italy?
Thanks Lacroupade and T-the-T.

The regulations say one thing but I was wondering if the local fuzz actually enforce them on Tommy Tourist?

Anyone suffered at the hands of the Caribinerie for not having the markers?
Well its the old story isn't it CL; its always the one time you get caught out.

Like the fact that you're always supposed to carry your V5 in France - I ignored that for seven years til I caught for speeding last time....boy did I get the third degree for not having that document, and I suspect it was only the fact that I spoke french and kissed some serious ass that I go off with it (still got fined though :()

For the sake a few quids worth of high-viz stickers, that look like a useful safety feature anyway, is it really worth not conforming?
Hi Lacroupade

Yes - wise counsel! Why take the chance for the sake of a few quids-worth of stickers? I'll probably get some before we go south to Sunny (I hope!) Spain. BTW thanks for the links.

Rgds CL
cl, is the 7metre ref the body or shipping length as if latter would mean
only a few mainly twin axles would be effected.

toyed with a sign on ours as had a few overtakers not realise a trol plus
20 foot body van is nearly 45 foot which is not far off many artic trucks.

wouldnt not have signs, just seems so one sided this harmony business
which is why i tend to stick to uk for now.
Hi Lacroupade.

We're heading for the warmest part of Spain when it gets cold here in the Lot. Probably fast track down the east coast to Cartegena then poodle slowly west and see how far we get. May make it to Portugal but if not there's always next winter.

Has anyone done that run or just taken a break there in January/February, if so what's the weather normally like and where can be recommended? (DEFINITELY NOT looking for fish & chips, English breakfasts and Coronation street!)


The 7 meters, as I understand it, includes the draw bar but I think that if the whole rig is in excess of 12 meters they are required in Spain anyway. Mine is just over (about 41 feet) so I'm going to put the boards on 'just in case'. As Lacroupade said "For the sake of a few quids worth of high-viz stickers, that look like a useful safety feature anyway, is it really worth not conforming?" Just might save myself a few Euros in on the spot fines?

Rgds CL
(DEFINITELY NOT looking for fish & chips, English breakfasts and Coronation street!)
Rgds CL

A man after my own heart LOL, and of course the diesel prices will be a pleasant surprise!

All I can tell you is its just as cold on the southern side of the Pyrenees at that time of year, so the further south the better LOL!
A man after my own heart LOL, and of course the diesel prices will be a pleasant surprise!

All I can tell you is its just as cold on the southern side of the Pyrenees at that time of year, so the further south the better LOL!

Hi Lacroupade

Really? I haven't done any diesel cost research, is it that much cheaper over the border? I understand that the toll charges might be a little expensive but I'll pay for the luxury of 'just cruisin' on the autoroute rather than box crunchin' on the N roads.

Re the Pyrenees - yeah been there in the winter, darling daughter has a chalet close to La Mongie. That's one of the reasons I bought the T2, can't get to the place without 4WD and then not always!

Rgds CL
Hi Lacroupade

Really? I haven't done any diesel cost research, is it that much cheaper over the border? I understand that the toll charges might be a little expensive but I'll pay for the luxury of 'just cruisin' on the autoroute rather than box crunchin' on the N roads.

Re the Pyrenees - yeah been there in the winter, darling daughter has a chalet close to La Mongie. That's one of the reasons I bought the T2, can't get to the place without 4WD and then not always!

Rgds CL

It certainly used to be, just over the spanish border it was around 30 cents/ltr cheaper; the french used to drive over just for shopping and fuel all the time, but it may not be that much of a differential these days, I don't know ...haven't filled up over there for about 18 months...but certainly they have a lower duty rate, or did....
good link and reasonable prices, one at bottom single wide plain yellow
says about caravans in spain.

just need to work out where how to mount one, wonder if ok inside in
rear window, help protect your backend and a wake up call to over-
takers of rig's length, not that many get past us except on dual carriage
ways and above.

coming round to idea for general safety, help rig stand out from rest
almost pose factor, esp with some more side markers. led amber along
van's skirts then onto truck's side steps.

might be mistaken for showman's outfit lol.
Without doubt :( performance indicators and on the spot fines makefor a nice swish system.......................for them :augie

Cynic! :)

Dunno about Spain, but in France the paperwork they issue is almost as painful as the fine! It takes forever!

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