can any one tell me what the maf is where about it is and what does it do
Its located on the air intake just after the air box from memory (I took my box off ages ago to fit an induction kit!)....Its basically a short section of plastic tube with a piece of wire inside the tube in the airflow, and some electrical connections.
The wire has a voltage applied to it and as the air flow cools the wire so the resistance increases (or somesuch electrical phenomenon, its not actually important)...and the value of that resistance is fed back to the ECU to help determine the amount fuel being delivered.
The theory being that colder air is denser, and therefore contains more O2 and can therefore burn more fuel, providing more power.
The air would be cooled either by being sucked in faster or by outside air temperature being lower, which is why your truck performs a tad better in cold conditions. However, the effect is not that great since, as folks like Timbo will tell you, the T2 is under-fuelled generally.
There are two types; Bosch = cheap and Hitachi = expensive. The latter is much less prone to failure.:thumbs