MAF: Praise the lord, I've finally found the problem...

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2012
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... and it was simple all along :doh

It was the mickey mouse chinese MAF copy :banghead :mad:

Basically I dug out my old bosch maf and de soldered the resistor from the chinky crap one and swapped it into the bosch one and soldered it up, hey presto did 25 miles with out a hint of a problem, no cutting out, no limp mode

My diagnostic mate told me that the td27eti engine uses the maf to sense manifold boost pressure, this is why its giving the boost fault and that my micky mouse MAF was the problem.

I swear I will never buy a shit Chinese rip off product again, those buggers have a lot to answer for :doh
As the saying goes you get what you pay for the only time i used main stealers was for a pucker maf
Most items are now made in China, but the difference between the good items and the not so good, is to do with quality control of the importer.
Most products are what are called badge engineering, and in fact this is what Ford did with the Terrano, stuck a Ford badge on it, and off you go, but the good QA people at Ford and Nissan worked to high tolerances and excellent specifications. Thank goodness.:thumbs
If there is a high specification, and good QA then the goods will be very good provided they use the right components.

However there are many companies that reverse engineer products and do their best at making what they think is the right item. There is often no control on tolerances, items are not tested to the full spec, life expectancy or should I say Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) tests would have shown discrepancies in the design and manufacture as well as component selection.

So cheap components can flood our market. Some are in fact unsafe and shouldn't be placed on the European market.

What gets me is the CE marking often put on electronic components, especially power supplies, one may have been tested and type approved if you are lucky, but once in production, a few tend to loose certain components that reduce interference, or prevent heat build up or prevent overload.
This does not apply to all manufacturers, but only the odd one, but that is enough to spoil the barrel as it were.:doh


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