Macmillan 4x4 Challenge 2009 - report

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2006
No photos I'm afraid, didn't take any was too busy. Neil got a few I'll try to get them off him and post some.

Pre event

Well what can I say after a week of very late nights doing jobs on the T2, what with the front diff going the weekend before and never having got the wiring done for the extra lights etc we finally decided about 10pm on thursday night that we were ready enough to set off and so we were on the road about 10.30pm.

A1, M18, M1, A42, M42, M6 etc to get to Ludlow, not far off the motorways I was getting flashed rather insistantly from behind so pulled over at the next layby - it was just a tail light bulb out but it was good to know then rather than later.

We got to the Travel lodge at sometime after 1am and were in bed for 1.30 having made a short list of jobs to do in the morning. Up at 6.30 for breakfast over te way at the Little Theif we wee on our way into Ludlow to look for a few last minute bits and pieces, sometime before 8.00.

Drove through the town and only spotted a Tesco and an Aldi as a likely place to get a fire extinguisher. Unfortunately Teso didn't have one and Ald weren't open yet. So we went for a drive around ludlow, found a garage that was open and got directuions to a motor factors that we were told would open at 9. Got their about quarter to and joined the others sat in their cars waiting for it to open. After a shortwhile someone actually ooked at the opening times and it didn't open till 9.30 so we went for fuel and came back.

On returning the shop was open and I bought some relays, rain-X, jack oil (to top up the trolley jack forgot before we left) and a fire extinguisher. Then it was off to the start down the road at Britpart in Craven Arms (funny name for a village/town, sounds more like a pub name).

Continueing the with the jobs at the start took us right up to about 15 mins before, we could have run without any or even all of them but they were all niceities that should make life easier.

Day 1

As car 33 we were away at 12.33pm and the days route took us, north to The M56, then east to the M6, then North to Lancaster where we left the M6 for the A683 and then A687 to get to Ingleton and White Scar Cave where the next section started.

Following the B6255 took us via Ribblehead viaduct to Hawes. From here on the roads would get, smaller, steeper, more undulating, bigger drops you name it.

Butter Tubbs pass (Jeremy Clarksons favourite bit of road I beleive), then up to Tan Hill (Highest pub in England or is it the UK), from Tan Hill down Arkengarth dale and then north through The Stang forest into Bowes before heading north to Cotherstone and the over night halt at Doe Park.

During all this route we were looking for treasure hunt style clues, some very devious others obvious and at White Scar Caves we had to do a 5min spot quiz putting photos in order that we passed each place which was quite difficult despite being warned and trying to be observent as we drove up the motorways.

We arrived about 8pm and got the tent up and stove out, and tucked into a decent meal and a couple of tinnies before retiring for the night.

more to follow.........
BTW - finally got results through we were 10th OA, pretty sure with what we know now about the sections where we lost the bulk of our marks, we could have driven those bits slower and ended up in at least the top 5 - oh well will know next time, but it was sooooooo borrrriiiinnnnnggggg driving at 5-10mph to see the clues.

Will do the other days soon.

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