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do lsd's work in reverse as the other day i had a front wheel in a ditch and one back wheel in the air and couldn't reverse out as the wheel in the air just span. had to get two people bouncing on boot to get wheel on floor to reverse out. thought terranos had rear lsd.
Yes they do work in reverse, I've seen a terrano off road reverse up a slope and as the off side wheel lifted it didn't spin, and the near side wheel maintained traction.

First stop would be to change the oil in the diff for some new LSD oil to GL5 spec, run it for a couple of hundred miles, then change it again. Would hopefully sort out the problem for you.
thanks JonathanM i will try that. how do i test the lsd without going into the same ditch.
I'm not sure of a test as such that can be applied to the LSD, but wait long enough and someone will be along to tell you!
Don't know if it helps but when I did the back brakes on mine, after a road test I jacked up 1 side to see if the brakes were binding & could'nt move the o/s/r wheel as the n/s/r was touching the ground. I think the LSD had locked :roll:
Wer you reving it hard when you were in the ditch? did you put it in 4WD?

I did the same thing in my Nav, The ditch turned out to be massive, I thought I was gna fall in! Anyway poped it in 4Hi and it pulled strait out.
I tried to reverse out in 2wd then put it in 4 hi and the wheel in the air span,didn’t rev that hard but didn’t try 4 lo.
Well I am not particulary knowledge able but when I had near enough the exact same experience my nav(also lsd) pulled strait out in 4HI.
Couple of things.

Are you sure the rear wheel on the ground wasn't spinning too.

Are your transfer box and auto free wheeling hubs working properly? Cos if they are when you went into 4Hi it would have had to have been spinning at least one of the fronts too as there is no centre diff.
Think the transfer box is ok, it’s not making any noises or been leaking.

Don’t think my terrano, 2004 model, has auto free wheeling hubs.

One of the front wheels might have been in the air air well as had to open boot and hang on it to rock truck to get the back wheel on the ground.

Do you know of any way to test the diff or any known probs with them. My truck has only done 30k 26 of which I have done in it.
Someone can probably confirm but I thought all the 2.7s had auto hubs and it was only the 3.0 litre ones that did away with them.

Short of sticking one wheel on a set of rollers - which everyone has lying around don't they :lol: :lol: :lol: The only way I can suggest really is to find a clear quite bit of wet road somewhere and bring her up a few thousand revs and then dump the clutch in 1st, if she sits there spinning a wheel and stays fairly staight its not working if, the back kicks out quite a lot and you need to apply some opposite to keep her straight its working.

No seriously, just put one wheel on a bit of wet grass/mud somewhere and the other on tarmac/concrete and set off briskly, if the diffs working you should set off fairly well if not you'll know about it as you'll stay pretty still and start digging a whole, will work even better if you can find a place to do it on a hill.
hummingbird said:
Someone can probably confirm but I thought all the 2.7s had auto hubs and it was only the 3.0 litre ones that did away with them.

My 2001 2.7TDi does not have auto free wheel hubs, it just has dumb hubs. My understanding was that the auto hubs phased out when the Mk3 terrano (from 2000) came in. Saves mucho hassel with the hubs when laning.
to check the LSD is working just jack the rear in the air and turn one wheel.
the other should turn in the same direction.

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