Langley Farm Event 2007 8th & 9th September 07

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I noticed a few people went to this last year.

Is anyone going this weekend? I would like to but with impending baby I doubt I'll make it.

Details for anyone interested:
Langley Farm 4x4 Show at Scissett near Huddersfield.
Trade stands, kids amusements, birds of prey, army display etc. A 1-mile off-road course £15 per driver per day or £25 per weekend for unlimited use. Booking: 01132-860586 or [email protected]
I'm very tempted to go but wife says I'm too busy. Then again since when have I listened to her :twisted: I'f I get enough block paving layed today theres a strong possibility for tomorrow. It's usually a bit of a laugh. Having spoken to one of the organisers I'm not sure about going through the mud splash, the mud aint 100% mud. The farm has a large dairy herd :roll: :?

Jim T
highly recommend it, friendly bunch for mainly landy owners too lol,

no seriously its an all marque show organised by yorkshire rover owners club.

CM and myself were made extremely welcome last year, pity i'm still personally off road otherwise would have gone.
jims-terrano said:
I'm not sure about going through the mud splash, the mud aint 100% mud. The farm has a large dairy herd :roll: :?

Jim T

Well there 1 thing I can say to that "No 1 would park next to you in tesco's carpark afterwards" -rotfl- -rotfl- -rotfl-
I didn't make it in the end but my Mav did.

The folks borrowed it to go on Saturday. They didn't get there till later in the day so got let in for a fiver. The only problem was they wouldn't reduce the £17.50/day charge to use the off road course and as they would have only just made it round once they didn't bother.

Sounds like they enjoyed it though and as they got it dusty it was returned later fully cleaned and polished; they can borrow it again!

I plan to go myself next year but will be avoiding the 'mud' bath.
Rbrt and myself went last year and had a good time.

Rbrt took his TII round, loads of pics in gallery and then it took loads of powerwashing to get the cow muck out of the engine bay and intercooler rad.

£17.50 to go round, thats expensive considering its little more than a grassy field with just the muck spash to contend with.

Pity we can't find somewhere similar to put on an event cos at them prices we'd all be rich.

Rbrts underbonnet filled with cow muck

and the actual spash
That's mad! At least he made it through?

I remember one boggy year many years ago when I only saw one vehicle make it through all day.

Sure we can find somewhere to host a similar but more reasonably priced event. I am aware of a few potential places in our area and will investigate at some point. I guess the insurance; health and safety element may prove the biggest obstacle.
Last year we went to Frickley around begining of November and it was a great laugh. They have a web site not sure if it is or something along those lines. Think it was about £25 for the whole day and they had tractors to pull you out. How about that for a day out?

Jim T
jims-terrano said:
Last year we went to Frickley around begining of November and it was a great laugh. They have a web site not sure if it is or something along those lines. Think it was about £25 for the whole day and they had tractors to pull you out. How about that for a day out?

Jim T

Frickley was good, but soooo.............muddy, took months to clean the Patrol :lol: Plenty of pics in gallery too.
Frickley looks good and is very near me; can't believe I hadn't heard of it.

Is it mainly mud and water though? It all looks quite extreme. I know the mav will go through it but I don't like the hours required cleaning; must be getting lazy!
Is there challenging terrain that doesn't involve deep mud and water; for example steep inclines?
Johny said:
Is it mainly mud and water though? It all looks quite extreme. I know the mav will go through it but I don't like the hours required cleaning; must be getting lazy!
Is there challenging terrain that doesn't involve deep mud and water; for example steep inclines?

Yes its muddy, all the rain we've had it can't be anything but muddy, and Yes there is challenging terrain not involving mud, but cos of rain its probably muddy unfortunatley for you. Last time we went it was just too wet to make the best use of it, although most tried. Probably best put off now till next year unless you want to spend months cleaning underneath.
that place looks quite good dinky,have you been there?? like the idea of the Halloween!! :lol:
I agree, kirton looks good although quite a lot of mud on some photos too!

Will probably avoid Frickley till the dry season but it's close enough to visit and come home if it looks bad.

I don't mind getting it a little dirty but ploughing through mud baths is fun until you get home.
Not been there yet(mud bath!) mine is nice and shiny at the moment!!! :lol: :lol:
One thing about Frickley is you can go in and park up, then have a walk around before you pay. Personally I think unless we have a lot of rain most of it will soon dry up, it will only be the low lyeing areas that will remain sludge. Got to say it was muddy when we went and yes it took a bit of cleaning but it was really good fun getting the car mucky :lol:

Jim T

PS just for cosmic, there's crackin coverage of repeaters :lol:
Hi, And don’t forget you can wash down there before you go on the road to come home.

Me being a shiny, still enjoyed watching others having a real good time and also the others that were playing in there extreme off roaders, showing you what is possible, even the bloke that managed to roll his over.

Its is a good day out and free to watch.

Burger van / tea stall, and the man with off road stuff for sale.
