Landrover porn in here :

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Not as sexy as mine ;-)


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Can't agree there sorry mate, yours has a decent body by the looks of it, but its still pants :lol

this on the otherhand ...

And I guess I could have my arm twisted to swap my terry for this :D

And thats probably as far offroad as it will ever go. As for the others , massive rims and low profiles on a Defender , now thats pants :)

Still have one though.

I dunno, a 5.0 v8 on road tyres with stiff suspension has gotta be fun around town, i'd rock that shit :p

... always swap ya muds on anyhow :cool:
You have a point but alas running a v8 and owning two sets of tyres isnt in my pocket money. Its bad enough with three 4x4s i have already :-(
A freelander is gay enough, but pink OMG THAT'S QUEER :lol
Quit often see a bright orange Range Rover round here .think it belongs to the ginger one out of Harry Potter. Looks shite.
There was a bowler wildcat living round here for a while. Was part of the local amateur radio group. It was orange and black striped, like a tiger :eek:
those softops remind me of a project LR did around 1990 call the cariba.

really well trimmed, not just a 90 with rag top but loaded.

think it probably led to the development of the US market defender (NAS,
north american spec) with 4.0v8 to rival their home market jeeps.

Theres one of each outside the high school in Britney's hit me one more
time but i wouldnt blame for not noticing....
I know this makes me sound sad, but green ovals just don't do it for me at all :nenau
bet wouldnt find a thread like this of nissan porn on a green oval forum,
mind they are more insecure ;)
Hmmm, maybee ...


Now that is niiiiice... Looks like it would actually work offroad too.

It was pictures like that, that got me into 4X4's in the first place.

Done hundreds of miles in Defenders (Normally in the back though), and I just cant get them out of my head.

Love driving my Terrano though. shocked a lot of people at the first Pay & Play day we done the other week. Mostly because I haven't got my tyres sorted yet, and we were running road tyres with only 3-4 mm on them.

I only needed to be recovered three times in 6 hours of driving, and we cleared most obstacles. (Good old momentum...)
let's inject some normality here:


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