Kph speedo or speedo face needed

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2010
My 1994 T2 2.7TD SWB is now re-registered as a Spanish car, but still has it's original mph speedo. Ever aware of the increasing number of speed cameras here in southern Spain I would like to change the speedo to read kph.
Does anyone have either a kph face I can substitute for my mph face, or alternatively a complete kph speedo head they would like to swap for a mph one.
If so, I will be back in the UK towards the end of October, and will bring the mph speedo with me, hopefully to do a straight swap.
Thanks guys
Terranical (Bruce):bow

do they have the solder adjusting pads on the back of the speedo like most nissans or just take it apart and overlay the numbers with different numbers i just used cut up sticky address label and wrote on it

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