Just witnessed a Shunt...

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2012
Trying to get out of Sevenoaks Train Station to effectively go straight ahead, is a bit of a nightmare. There are traffic lights, but they do not control the station traffic, so it involves having to turn to the Left but get straight across into the second lane to then turn Right. The problems are, the Right turn Lane is Filter controlled and you are trying to get into it only 2 cars back from the traffic lights, so you have to time it, that you get across the first lane, before the traffic blocks you in, but wait until there is enough room in the Right lane, so you can get into it and not block the through traffic. The second problem is, I do it twice a cay, most days, so know how they work, but they are forever changing the phasing, so just as you learn the sequence, they mess it all up, and you have to start again.

Anyway this morning I am sitting there, and there are about 4 cars in the Right filter lane, so no chance of me pulling out until the filter light kicks in, so I sit back to wait. I notice the third car back in the filter lane, directly across from me, is an old Red Disco and it was in very good condition, all shiny and dent free, with none of the normal bits hanging off.

As the filter light changes, the front car goes, and there is a small delay, then the second car takes off like a "bat out of Hell", in Reverse....

There is a huge Crunch, and bits of the Disco and the Black Vauxhall fall to the ground. I can see the look of shock on the Disco Drivers face, as he takes his seat belt off, but then the car just drove off....

Needless to say, the Disco follows, and I am able to slip out 1 car behind. The Vauxhall then carries on, past plenty of places to safely pull over, and turns down a side road, so I decide to follow, as I feel this guy may need a witness, or the lady driver of the Vauxhall might need protection if he does manage to catch her. Luckily she decides to stop a couple of hundred yards down the side road, and I pull up behind them.

Her car is all plastic, and so had back popped out, and looked OK, I somehow think though, that it might not look as good under that plastic, having heard the crunch, and seen all the bits laying on the road. The Disco had a smashed headlight, and had lost the headlight washers off of the bumper, and generally the front bumper looked a bit skew-wiff, so it had obviously bent a bit or two.

As I get out of my car, I hear her say that since there is so little damage, and his is such an old car, they may as well forget it!!!!

I have to say, all things considered, the Disco Driver was very calm and polite, and just said "it may be old, but it is a Classic, and has been looked after, so he will not be just letting it go, and could he have her details". She then makes song and dance of getting stuff from the car, and complaining how she is in a hurry, and how something was in the wrong place... but starts writing stuff down. I leave my details as a witness, as I have a feeling she may try and say he hit her up the rear...

I have to say though, He was the perfect Gentleman all the way, but She was the type of woman that give "Lady Drivers" a bad name, and a real B!*ch.:doh
this is one reason I have a dvr cam in my car , its recording constantly if the ign is on , and also it has " g shock " so records if the ign is off if the car is subjected to a sudden shock .... ie hit
She drove off, left the scene of an accident... hmmm

POLICE... No question...

Possibly a case of no insurance, or she was not insured to drive that car, as she is not used to the controls, Vauxhalls have their reverse often on the other side of the gear selector.

Either way, sounds fishy to me.:augie
I agree with Rustic he ought to of phoned the police however I somehow doubt they'd come out to attend. Dam'd if you and dam'd if you don't.

Good on you for following and assisting.
I also agree with Rustic and I LIKE :thumb2:thumb2

Does this mean, Rustics is or soon will be a classic :augie
My first thought was Insurance scammer, having been on the receiving end of one a couple of years ago. I wondered if she drove away so that there was less chance of any witnesses coming forward, and would have then just said he hit her, and tried to claim whiplash etc.

Having scuppered that plan, I decided to keep out of making any comments, and leave them to it, but I must admit, if it had been me, I think I would have called the police as well.
I think you did right Lazy-F, totally. her going down the side street (I assume with no witnesses around) she could have made any claim she liked against that chap.

And this is why we should all have dash-cams in our cars :augie

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