is it just me?

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Well i've been trundling back and forth to birmingham childrens hospital all week and seen alot of nissan 4x4's and i was wondering if it was just me or do any other member on here when they see a nissan 4x4 wonder whether or not the owner is a member of this club?
I think the same, I do a lot of caravanning and I see a lot on sites. always wander over and ask them what the think of their t2/mav and then tell them about our very useful club, regards bri
Not many as most of them do not know what a 4 X 4 is even though they drive one, you tell me when the snow is on the ground how many do you see out there then, I saw NONE a couple of Landies and a couple of farmers Toyotas was all I saw while out playing in the snow early this year, and that was over several days of fun, and I must say the old girl performed perfect there was not one hill I could not complete and in Bexhill we have a few, Rick
while out playing in the snow early this year, and that was over several days of fun, and I must say the old girl performed perfect there was not one hill I could not complete and in Bexhill we have a few, Rick

Get on up here onto the moors :thumb2


i always do, with such a greta club, I always wonder if any of the T2's I see around are one of you guys!
plenty of terranos and a few trolls on my travel

always try to make eye contact, hope for a nod or a wave
bit old school i am!, rarely get a response like you used
to when met someone with similar and reasonably unusual

that said on a camp site when more relaxed try to say hi.

mind have you noticed how can be parked next to someone
all week and barely a nod, then when either of you are
packing up to leave they want to get chatty...