Intermitant intermitant wipers !

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 27, 2008
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And todays problem is.......
My pause wipe feature has now mainly ceased. It works ok off road but not a sausage on proper roads! So I guess there is a contact fault somewhere. Anybody got any ideas where would be a good place to start?
I would start at the actual switch, I swear by Servisol Switch and Contact cleaner. You should be able to get either that brand or something similar from Maplin Electronics. You will need to remove the switch from the steering column but this will also check the connector plug on the switch too.

Jim T

HI makeitfit
the relay is on the bulkhead its a square block(metal) near the wiper motor.
very expencive to replace sometimes a clean up of the plug socket will help.
mine drove me nuts till i found out how to cure it.

A Disco :roll:
Have exactly the same problem myself.. intermittent is VERY intermittent !

and sometime the wipers wont switch off unless I stop the car and turn off the ignition (very embarrassing on a hot sunny day on the motorway with the wipers going like the clappers)

Cleaned the switch with no success.

Lived with it for the past 2 years !!
rbrt said:
not ideal but cheap a kill switch on the feed. save scouring the glass.

Never thought of that !

by the way.. you have the same terrano, same colour, and very similar caravan to me !

AND.. you're just up't road


Hi members,had this problem last year and a remady for a tempory fix is to take apart the wiper module that is on a bracket on the bulk head.There is a little relay on pcb that gets tired.Try cleaning the relay with electrical contact spray it might give the relay a kick up the ass and be a bit more responsive. :lol: