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Dec 20, 2008
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Saw Jodie Marsh on TV here last night and well......I'm speechless. I think she makes the cast of The Rocky Horror Show look pretty. Maybe there is something I'm missing but, botox,boob jobs, bodybuilding, tatoos, oil, lousy make up job etc. I thought she looked absolutely awful. Mattel would struggle to make a more plastic looking doll, even with all their machinery. Her lips looked terrible, her tatoos worse. She generally came across as an idiot. Don't mean to offend anyone on here, hopefully none of her brothers are on here :D:D Ok so I'm really old fashioned and don't get tataoos on women or bodybuilding women or boob jobs or lousy, scary make up, or hair extensions or.... I could go on an on. Whatever happened Laura Ashley dresses or skirts and blouses on women, or heels or just enough make up, discreet perfumes, and smiling women with normal coloured hair, not purple or green or yellow. Ok I'm back off to the home and a few episodes of Dixon of Dock Green and a cup of Horlicks, my pipe and slippers.
I've always thought she looked like a ripped pit boot, ran over by a 4x4. Just thought id mention 4x4 to keep people happy.

I think she is perfect.! With those muscles she could lift the trailer with one hand,run down to the Corner Cafe for my pasties,wash and polish the car and do all the housework without breaking a sweat.What a woman.You guys just don't see her positive side.There must be something else she could do as well and after a few beers I am sure I will think of it. :cool::D
saw her on good morning, well was killing time before a late shift, honest.

omg moment or two, each to own, but did think what a shame, compared
to the library images that were shown of her in glam mode, in her words
young woman being paid to have fun.

on positive side, the body building is probably better for her sole and is
without steriods, she says.

funny in same episode there was an article about porn, with a current
'actress' and a former 'model' pouring out their hearts on how it effected
their well being....and bank balance.
WHO ? :nenau

Exactly what i thought!
there was a picture of her in papers during week and it, yes 'it' cos dont want to upset females, looked bloody awful.
And more to point still dont know who it was before it did this to themselves.