Illegal bogeys

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
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Watch out guy's aparently it is illegal to blow your nose at the wheel

I've heard it all now. That's so wrong. Let's ship out of this country.

Jim T

Better idea

Why don't we have a national Bogey day?

If everyone stops in the middle of rush hour trafic, puts the handbrake on, Putson the hazzard flashers, turn off the engine.

Then fiddle about and find a clean nose rag, tisue etc, Have a good blow. Put it all away and carry on with your journey.

We could collect all the proceeds in plaky bags and send them to the police force that is responsible for the brainless, jobsworh, tax dolllar stealing codswallup that was responsible for the ticket.

What a jerk

Love ta se my trolls tyre pattern imprinted on his boots :lol
All this poxy H n S crap is getting right up my nose:confused:
What pisses me off now more than people using their phone at the wheel is the planks that screach to a halt where ever they are to TAKE A CALL :eek:
Blinking drednaughts, I swear I'm going to take one out soon...................fact.
It does seem a bit extreme :nenau but dont forget youve only got one side of the story there and the prisons are mostly full of innocent they say ;)

Mind you a mate of mine pulled someone over for not being in control. Turns out he was having a good old jodrell bank, wonder why he didnt go public to argue he was in control :augie :nenau
It does seem a bit extreme :nenau but dont forget youve only got one side of the story there and the prisons are mostly full of innocent they say ;)

Mind you a mate of mine pulled someone over for not being in control. Turns out he was having a good old jodrell bank, wonder why he didnt go public to argue he was in control :augie :nenau

So if i have both hands on the steering wheel am i in control? even getting a low gob???? :augie