I was hoping work on me truck today

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Dec 17, 2012
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Me truck needs some work done. I was going to start today.and it was a nice day.
I was hungover from a bottle of wine last night and the sun was out so we had a BBQ this afternoon:D.
I've been cleaning windows for 20 years.its a funny job in respect your spending time watching kids grow go school.have babies and pass away.
An89 year old customer passed yesterday that I'd built a relation ship with for about 8years.
Lovely happy woman.she fell over at a bus stop went the hospital and was discharded as she was up and happy.and I'm OK I'm OK.so they sent her home without keeping here in for observation.same night she passed.
And today.
A close friend of ours for over 20 years at the age of 53/went this morning.
I will have an hangover again tomoz.
Sorry for sharing.i am sad.very sad.
Doubt truck will get any jobs done tomoz.
Sorry to hear dude. It's good to talk about it though! Get it off your chest, better than bottling emotions up.

The truck can wait :)

Have an easy day tomorrow and keep the good memories :thumb2
Getting Older

I empathise with your thoughts and comments.
Last year I lost two friends who were my age.
One was my best friend at school the other was a few years younger than me who I joined the Police Service with in 1971.
Now I am 66 I feel very mortal and know there is more life behind me than in front.
Both my parents have died my father in law and mother in law are in their eighties.
My wife and I count our blessings and try to live for the now and enjoy life each and every day.
I take some comfort knowing that many others are not so fortunate and have already left this world.
I have relatively good health for my age, its something that no amount of money can buy.
I have no religion to fall back on just a pragmatic outlook for the future however long that may be.

It might sound odd but some years ago my brother had a bad bout of depression and had some cognative therapy treatment and one of the positives he came away with was "being good to yourself" it can be a simple thing like buying a nice bottle of wine or a sticker for your car.
I get great joy when I but a cheap bit of tat on e-bay that I probably do not need. THink its why women buy shoes.LOL
Dont feel bad about sharing and letting it out mate, better that than bottling it all up.
Remember the good times, the few minutes you shared from time to time and the difference you made to their lives by pasing the time of day with them.

The truck will still be there next weekend, chillout and spend time with your family and enjoy time with them.
One problem with getting older is more people you knew have expired, over the last few years all younger than me and most were smokers, glad I gave up 40 years ago
Exosteve, I think the support, trust and friendship that you get here, from a disparate group of folks, is testimony to how we all feel really, but don`t often express.
Sharing is good, most of us here have walked in your shoes.......
I agree....be kind to yourself, it seems that you are very kind to others, try it in yourself........:thumb2
Life goes on mate, but a problem shared is a problem halved, I like this site as I feel we are a family of sorts and are here for each others problems and not just vehicle related, I cannot put things across the way Rustic can but I am sure you see where I am coming from, regards and feelings, Rick
I went to a formal dinner last night. Before the dinner started the wing commander stood up and asked people to stand in silence for a minute to remember those we have lost in the last year. I thought of a bloke I did a course with who at the time kept bursting into a annoying Welsh acsent. The poor bloke passed away last year so my thoughts turned to him but also to another ex service man i knew for a brief couple of years. The point Im making is I was able to remember the good times and have a smile for them both. You too will remember the good times and smile for them.