How does this one work?

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Sounds like a chip. :?
I have a Hurricane chip from twisted performance connected to mine (off most of time) and it does seem to make the Trol perform more responsive etc.
Although when I first had it installed the MAF decided to stop performing after the malfunction light kept appearing on the dash. May have been a coincidence but nontheless I disconnected the chip and replaced the MAF (£365).
Ive only connected the chip a few times since when I get the urge but I dont leave it on for long periods as the MAF expense haunts me to this day. :roll:
i think it the type that fools teh cpu into sending more fuel in..

but i may be wrong

I have been wrong before.. 1997 i think it was...
These cheap type of "chips" can work one of 2 ways, both of which tend to produce the same result. Tey either mess with the signal from the MAF or the lambda sensor (or both), these makes the engine over fuel. As engines tend to be mapped to run a touch on the lean side (especially desels which run lean most of the time anyway) you can see an increase in power/torque.

However if they go too far you can also se an increase in black smoke (much like turning the pump up on older diesels), bore wash, and a shortening of catalytic converter life from increased HC emissions - oh and fuel economy will go out of the window too.
hummingbird said:
These cheap type of "chips" can work one of 2 ways, both of which tend to produce the same result. Tey either mess with the signal from the MAF or the lambda sensor (or both), these makes the engine over fuel. As engines tend to be mapped to run a touch on the lean side (especially desels which run lean most of the time anyway) you can see an increase in power/torque.

However if they go too far you can also se an increase in black smoke (much like turning the pump up on older diesels), bore wash, and a shortening of catalytic converter life from increased HC emissions - oh and fuel economy will go out of the window too.

um did we have fuel economy then in the first place??
If It was that good the manufacturers would have included it and probably charged us a couple of thou for the extra bhp please be carefull plenty dicks out there to take your'e money and unlike us they will sleep at night just like the dick that stole Dadba's young one's bike
NEDDY said:
If It was that good the manufacturers would have included it and probably charged us a couple of thou for the extra bhp

My thoughts exactly , I didnt give any serious consideration to the thing. Too good to be true really at that price.

I messaged him and asked if "it will fit a terrano" he didnt ask any details or spec and just said yes no problems........hmmmm
I haven't looked at the links so correct me if i am wrong, but i have a 'chip' here in its bag with full instructions, it was bought (not by me) to fit a suzuki grand vitara, the instructions claim it fits virtualy any vehicle.

it is in fact a small ceramic resistir worth approx 3 pence you could buy as many as you like from maplins! I assume running parallel to another resistance it lowers it and allows greater voltage and hence alters some setting or other I cant remember esistor colour codes so I dont know what ohms it is, but as a non-practising electronics engineer, i cant imagine it would be of any use, and i wouldn't dream of fitting it.
crikey thats some url,

suddenly my screen isnt big enough!

suggest as said if that good already done.

best bet is more right foot, after all have you
really run out of power yet.

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