Hopi Ear Candles fixes me a treat

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Aug 20, 2008
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Okay so yesterday I spent a good hour and a half underneath my Santa Fe doing oil changes ATF & engine oil plus waxoyl for underneath areas.

When I got up off the floor I almost fell over and felt really sick and dizzy to the point where I had to have a lie down. Room spin when horizontal as if I had been out on a bender! Tried some ear poking with cotton bud-ziltch wax.

Pretty sure its a vertigo / ear wax type of thing. Woke up this morning and any sudden head acceleration was met with more room spin !

Remembered I had a part packet of Hopi ear candles from about 4 years ago.
Extended search with compulsory re-checking where you have looked already looked and found them in bedside cabinet.
Found an old flannel poked small hole in middle. Lay on floor with flannel over one ear, lit candle and held ii over right ear with end lightly in lughole.
Let it burn down to red mark takes about 10 minutes. Removed and dropped in tub of water. Repeated with left ear.
Felt immediately better and then cut open candles and discovered enormous lump of hard wax in one filter and a lot of wax in the other.

Will repeat tonight to get all the wax out. They are a brilliant form on none-invasive wax removal from the hippy era.
wow, thats brilliant. i suffer from bouts of vertigo like that every couple of years - usually cured by at least a weeks worth of medication. At the end of the day, its an inner-ear issue that causes it, so either infection or as you have found, too much wax but i never thought a Hopi Candle would fix it. I have had two treatments of Hopi, just for a giggle, but next time i suffer from this ill go up to the centre and have some candles done instead because that's way easier than a trip to the doctors.

thanks for sharing!:thumbs
The Hopi expeience

I agree they are good. I first used them when I started getting loud mechanical clicks from somewhere inside my ear canal. I would get this weird sound every half an hour or so and I was worried it was a tinnitus thing starting. I paid a mobile aromatherapy woman about £20 for my first treatment - seemed so easy I cut out the middle woman!

My GP said the noise was very small air bubbles popping out from the long canal bit that sorts your balance equilibrium as a result of a slight infection deep inside. The inner airways get blocked with minute amounts of liquid that slowly work to the surface and pop when they meet the outside world.

I have never needed ear drops just the Hopi candle treatment every few years. In my dotage I might start doing it as a routine like sweeping your chimney every 6 months or so. Not too pricey if you buy from e-bay in medium quantities.
You sure you never got oil in the ear when under the truck, I sometimes get bits in the eye or mouth, even had bit up the nose in the past.:)
sounds good them, i can lie under my truck and suddenly get up and i'm fine usually, but always good to know, sound hard to use?