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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
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Help i was driving over moors(on tarmac)and there was a loud bang that i felt under my feet, stopped, looked but cant see anything out off place i never hit anything either.
could be a number of things i assume you were in 2 wheel drive? if not it could have been something on the 4wheel hubs but i doubt it.
is the truck running ok after bang sound.
did you feel any shudder or steering swerve.
check the exhaust has not come loose may not be visable.
on a lighter note make sure your freezer has room for the sheep in your boot :lol
shock absorber? check the large bushes that are under the drivers seat area (under the car, part of the suspension i think) could be that...
Couple of years back I was towing the caravan along the M62... heard a loud bang and sh1t myself...:eek: pulled onto the hard shoulder asap, stuck the hazzords on and got out for a look round.

Couldnt find anything on either the car or the caravan - despite crawling round under them (not fun with HGV's passing at speed!!)

Anyway... that was about 3 years ago, never found what it was... never done it again!

No use to you I know, but if the motors still running ok and nothing obvious is hanging of it I shouldnt worry too much! :)
was going a bit fast. checked all joints shocks etc even put in 4 low on full lock STILL NOTHING OBVIOUS. All this happened after getting 2 tyres fitted to the front ??.
O well, forget about it :confused: :nenau

Just double check ya shock mounts / steering / bushs & UJ's on ya props :thumbs
perhaps the loud bang was something being pushed BACk into place, self repairing truck...its not called Christine is it??