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May 24, 2009
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I was under the impression that the Cat C was bought back by the owner & repaired & not scrapped as the insurance company see the repairs to out value the car.?
So how comes they haven't got the log book & the winning bidder would have to apply.?
Aint a CAT C where the insurance company have decided that the repairs would cost more then the value of the car and have paid out to the owner?

Has it been repaired ADZ? If it has I would check how well. To get a VIC it needs to be tested and have an MOT test too

The DVLA website says :

Taking the car for a VIC repairs must be conducted and the car must be roadworthy and capable of being driven under its own power if over 3 years old, the car must be covered by a valid MOT if it is to be driven to the VIC
the person driving the car must be insured to do so the car must display front and rear number plates if it is to be driven to the VIC. For assistance in obtaining number plates, contact VOSA on 08706 060 440 a car can be driven directly to and from a pre-arranged VIC without road tax

Might be a bargain.... but a pain in the ar*e to get insured and tested??? :nenau
I think it's just that as an insurance co. they have to do things properly ie inform DVLA. The buy back thing is getting less common now as the ins co tends to send the cars to the scrappy.
You'll to get the repairs checked before your new mot.
Details on dvla dot com I guess:thumbs
you will need a v.i.c . vehicle idenity check before dvla will issue a log book

Just found this via google...

Salvage Guidelines

Vehicle salvage or auto salvage means different things to different people. Many people are unsure about what salvage actually is and a common misconception is that car salvage is simply scraps of metal and poor excuses for vehicles.
Vehicle salvage however varies and goes from scrap to fully functional vehicles depending on its circumstances. Many people worry about not knowing what condition the vehicle is in and thus would be put of buying salvage, however below are some salvage guidelines to ensure you know exactly what you are getting and can make auto salvage a profitable business or a good vehicle for less money than the retail price.
Salvage Category Information:

There are 5 categories to consider and these include:
Category A means it is junk and thus the money spend on collection and development of the parts or vehicle will be greater than any profit you could make. Only suitable for parts and most the time not even worth doing that
Category B basically means if you bought the vehicle you would salvage the parts and the cost of doing so will be less than what you could sell them for thus would make a profit
Category C ensures the vehicle itself can be repaired but if you did this via a retailer and not on your own then it may exceed the pre accident (PAV) value. Therefore you should ensure you can repair the vehicle for a cheaper price before purchasing a C category. Category C also means the vehicle may need a vehicle identity check (£35 to check the chassis number)
Category D means the vehicle is 100% repairable and the cost of doing so will be less than the pre accident value and thus you can expect a profit if you were to sell, or get the car at a cheaper price
Category X is the best salvage since they have not been recorded as damaged and thus you can sell the vehicle for greater profits. Normally these cars are stolen recovery or minimal damaged cars and need little if any work.
As a general vehicle salvage guidelines categories A and B are only to be used for Parts, anything else would be to expensive. Categories C and D are for repairs and you can repair the vehicle and stand to make some money. Category X is a bargain and normally requires minimal cost and can make maximum profit.
Our vehicle salvage site SalvageSpareFinder only deals with categories C, D and X and ensures only the best salvage. Why not have a look and put your new knowledge into play. Try comparing the retail price of a vehicle with our prices and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Vehicles that have to be dismantled.

* Cat A: Vehicle totally wrecked or burnt out.
* Cat B: Vehicle has heavy damage and to be broken only.

Vehicles that can be resold

* Cat C: Vehicles of this category are vehicles which the retail repair costs were over the cost of the pre accident value .They will need a VIC test carried out on them, this is done at the local DVLA testing station and would cost around £26.50

* Cat D: Vehicles of this category are vehicles which the retail repair costs were below the pre_accident value of the vehicle.

* Cat X:Vehicles of this categories have damage that has not been recorded, either a stolen recovered vehicle with minimal damage or a vehicle with minimal damage.

Vehicle Identity Check

The Vehicle Identity Check will come into effect from the 7th April 2003. This will affect Accident Damaged Category C Vehicles only. However, only Category C vehicles that have an accident date on or after the 7th April 2003 will be affected by this scheme, any vehicle with an accident damage date prior to the 7th April will not be affected. For further information call 0870 241 7359.

1. What is the VIC Scheme?
It is an inspection scheme to solely check the vehicle's identity and not to examine its roadworthiness. VIC - Vehicle Identity Check Scheme.

2. Which stock will that apply to?
It will only apply to stock cleared as a Category C vehicle on or after 7th April 2003, it will not apply to any other stock brought prior to 7th April 2003.

3. When does it come into effect?
7th April 2003

4. How much will it cost?

5. Which vehicles will need the inspection?
If purchased from a salvage auction/agent that use the ABI categorisation guide then just category C's, if purchased from other sources that do not abide by the ABI coding then any substantially accident damaged vehicle, ensure when buying you know what category the vehicle is.

6. What condition does the vehicle have to be in?
Sufficient repairs must be carried out to support the intention of returning the vehicle to a roadworthy position. The vehicle must be capable of being driven under its own power.

7. How do I book an appointment?
By filling in the appropriate form yet to be finalised by the Vehicle Inspectorate.

8. How long approximately will it take to get an appointment?
The inspectorate will respond within three working days. No firm timescales can be given for appointments.

9. Are there any situations when I don't need to have the vehicle inspected?
Yes. If you are selling on the vehicle to another trader or to a repairer an inspection is not necessary, just a declaration to the purchaser of the vehicle's requirement for inspection.

10. What exactly does the inspection involve?
An inspection will be carried out to check the correct identity of the vehicle. The vehicle will not be inspected to check its roadworthiness and for signs of repaired accident damage.

11. What will the inspector need on day of inspection?
Current MOT, if driven on public highway, otherwise an MOT is not required. You can request that the Vehicle Inspectorate carry out an MOT following the VIC inspection (must be pre-booked).
Insurance to drive car.
Proof of purchase.
Receipt/s for repairs carried out is advisable.

12. What happens once the vehicle passes the inspection?
The inspector will advise the DVLA that the vehicle has passed the inspection and will issue a certificate confirming the vehicle's identity. Once the vehicle has passed you can either apply for registration yourself or, if selling, pass the certificate onto the new owner enabling them to apply for registration.

13. What happens if the vehicle fails?
The inspection centre will not issue a certificate. They will inform the police and the DVLA. The police will then investigate the identity, with the resulting information received, a decision will be made; obviously each case will be treated individually. Also at this point the vehicle could be impounded.

14. How will the vehicle logbook be marked following the successful inspection?
The logbook will carry a note showing "Accident damaged and/or substantially repaired; identity checked on (date)."

15. Can one vehicle be substituted for another at short notice?
Each test station will develop its own procedures regarding the acceptance of bookings. It is advised that you liaise with the test station manager regarding the notice required to book a vehicle in for a check. However, all appointments must be pre-arranged.