Help Please!!! No Power & P1242 Engine Code

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Active member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hi All

Since you were all so super helpful the last time i posted, i thought i would become a member and ask for your assistance again!!!!

I have a 2.7td 2001 SWB Terrano. It is having a few 'issues' at the moment, which are just becoming bloomin annoying now! I have had the engine doing a few kangaroo jumps a little while ago - not trying to stall out just like the fuel isnt there?, the engine management light cant decide if it wants to be on or not and the power i am getting is, to be quite honest - PANTS!!! The rev counter wouldnt go above 1500rpm the other day. It was like the accelerator cable was detatched! Pulling out of a junction is an artform at present as i cant power up to pull away! Add the trailer on the back and oh dear!!! LOL I have no rude black smoke and it starts every time (touching lots of wood!) It is just gutless! To pull away from the traffic lights i have to have my foot flat down sometimes! It is definately getting worse, and i dont think it is helping my fuel consumption either!

We have put it on a engine reader and the code was P1242 - Needle Lift Sensor. The machine is quite a generic one as my dad (mechanic) uses it for the full family and we all drive differant brands!

I have been doing some reading on the WWW but cant really pin down for sure if that is what the issue is, and as Nissan have quoted me over £400 for the number 1 injector with the sensor (cant just buy the sensor) i dont really want to buy it unless we are 500% sure thats the problem! And even then, i dont know if i want to buy it!!!! LOL I have also read that the MAF sensor could cause this issue as well?

So, any hints, cheats and tips!!!?? LOL I love the car to bits, but it if carries on i may be selling it for that instead!!! :(
Hi JoM, welcome as a full member of the club.

There will be other members along who also have the Tdi, mine is the Td so doesn't have all the fancy stuff.

But having read other threads, does sound like it could be the Maf,
Disconnect it if it's still the same then clean the Maf, if the performance gets worse ( if ever) then the Maf could be ok. Could be still worth a clean though.

There are down loads on how to clean the Maf, but the main thing is DO NOT touch the little thin wire to clean it, either with a cotton bud or fine brush, you will kill it. Use an electrical cleaner spray (Maplin), or Carb cleaner, or even brake cleaner, when it's dry, try it.

There have been failures of No 1 Injector before so this can't be ruled out.
There are several vehicles being broken by members on the site, so spares may be available.

Have you recently fitted a fuel filter?
Is there any white smoke, which could be air getting into the fuel?

Hope this helps.
Well sadly that sensor (1) is a known issue and (2) is freakin expensive..

But once fixed you WILL be happy :)

Thought about the scrapper? Several been through this pain so one of them will be along shortly.....
hi, sorry to hear of your woes!

Needle lift sensor is in the number one injector.Im not 100% sure if yours is the same, but on my 97 Maverick, the Number One injector has the needle lift sensor built into it. it will affect power, timing etc etc if its not right. budget around £120-180 for the injector alone, probably two hours garage labour, or do it yourself liek i did.

I also agree with Rustic, get that MAF checked, you can get rogue codes popping up if the ecu gets confused! as he says, just unplug it, if its the same, swap the MAF.

im very suspicious of your number one injector though...
It looks like we are on the ball, 3 suggestions from members in the time it takes to boil the kettle :thumb2 :thumb2
Thanks everyone - we are looking at how much resistance the sensor is giving at the weekend - does anyone know for sure the reading i am looking for? I think its meant to be around 100ohm - but i read that somewhere so could be wrong! The MAF is the easier option to start with, so may disconnect that sucker whilst we are under there and see what occurs!!!! And thats the cheaper option too - £67 from Nissan!

I am wondering if i should have the injectors reconditioned - but would that sort the built in sensor??? And i have looked for a reconditioned one with the sensor on - like rocking horse p*o it would appear! LOL
Thanks everyone - we are looking at how much resistance the sensor is giving at the weekend - does anyone know for sure the reading i am looking for? I think its meant to be around 100ohm - but i read that somewhere so could be wrong! The MAF is the easier option to start with, so may disconnect that sucker whilst we are under there and see what occurs!!!! And thats the cheaper option too - £67 from Nissan!

I am wondering if i should have the injectors reconditioned - but would that sort the built in sensor??? And i have looked for a reconditioned one with the sensor on - like rocking horse p*o it would appear! LOL

the sensor cant be fixed, so you probably wont find a recon one, but you will find the other three reconditioned! i think the resistance is 108ohms, but a quick search on here should get you the answer.
Thanks everyone - we are looking at how much resistance the sensor is giving at the weekend - does anyone know for sure the reading i am looking for? I think its meant to be around 100ohm - but i read that somewhere so could be wrong! The MAF is the easier option to start with, so may disconnect that sucker whilst we are under there and see what occurs!!!! And thats the cheaper option too - £67 from Nissan!

I am wondering if i should have the injectors reconditioned - but would that sort the built in sensor??? And i have looked for a reconditioned one with the sensor on - like rocking horse p*o it would appear! LOL
There are two types of sensors on the No 1 injector dependant on (I think) whether it is Bosch or Zexcel.
Bosch injectors use an inductive sensor (coil) which should read ~100 ohms or so.
Zexel injectors appear to use a piezo sensor, these will not show a DC reading with a meter; they will appear open circuit. A scope would probably be the only way to verify if it is working correctly.
Have a look here:

Probably easier to sort out if it's the MAF first....