Hello from Mistral owner liverpool

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Hi i also have a mistral - great truck once i learnt how to drive it.

Briggie is spot on they are a bit strange to drive until u get used to them.

if you look onthe top of the dashboard there is a flap - under that is either a large cross head screw or bolt - nip that up and the dash will vibrate less, for some reason i have to do it every now and then.

Check your fluids as you said if all ok see below

for the gearbox make sure the thermostat is ok as the top overdrive gear only comes in when the box is at working temperature.

if in doubt - if you look at the top of the thermostat housing there should be two plugs, on mine the nearest plug to the rad is the heat sensor to the gear box, it work as an earth if you "short" the plug ( put a short piece of wire between the two connectors) the gear box should go into top gear cold. that way at least you know that it exists and that a sensor or thermostat could be the problem. just a test though i would not drive it like it even though the auto gearbox place i went to reckons in our reasonably mild climate it would not do any damage.

oh and if the first plug u try has no effect try the other one as there is apparently no rhyme or reason as to which one is which.

Also these boxes are a bit jerky when cold as Briggie says just ease of the loud pedal
good luck with MOT.

Cheers for all the tips, what are the tyre pressures meant to be ? on standard tyres 235's:confused:

hello guys ,,never new there was a form for the terrano dont av one at the monment sold mine 2 years ago miss it alot been looking at one but needs a clucth iv dunn lots of clucthes never dunn one a terrano esay job or not ????????????:nenau
i wouldnt fancy the gearbox out without a proper tranmission jack its bloody huge! maybe easier to engine out lol!
Update- the Mistral passed the MOT no problems, but it seems to be shifting through gears ok unitll it reaches 3000rpm and it doest seem to want to go past this, im going to check the oil now while its warm
Update- the Mistral passed the MOT no problems, but it seems to be shifting through gears ok unitll it reaches 3000rpm and it doest seem to want to go past this, im going to check the oil now while its warm

The later auto boxes do sometimes have a problem with the sensor or whatever it is that lets it drop into top gear...sometimes related to running temperature as well.....it doesn't allow top gear until things have warmed up.

I'm assuming you are certain though that its not in top? If you havent got overdrive swicthed out, while I can't be specific about the Mistral as its an import, the T2/Maverick autos do 30mph/1000rpm in top....so at 3000rpm you'd be doing an indicated 90mph if all was right with the world :)
sound another scouser with a mistral am in bootle , where about r ya we could meet an moan together :lol:lol

great another scouser with a terrano alrite mate im from north wales but im a scouser with a terrano that came from manchester mmmm its a great vehicle though and since being a member here ive had plenty of help from everyone here its well worth the dosh for membership
great another scouser with a terrano alrite mate im from north wales but im a scouser with a terrano that came from manchester mmmm its a great vehicle though and since being a member here ive had plenty of help from everyone here its well worth the dosh for membership

yeah mate great cars made better by a site to help with any probs . most important though ,red or blue :lol