Helllllllllllllp please again.

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
Reaction score
And now the tdi is playing up.i just fitted a new clutch master cylinder. bled it thro. started engine revved high for a few seconds, cut out and refuses to start. wtf im begginin to hate this truck.
any ideas please.

More info please? Is the MIL on?
Have you got plenty of go juice? Any smoke?
and it was caused by.................................

Me having forearms like popeye.theres a cable connector bolted to dipstick tube i had to shove my arm down to a dropped spanner and dislodged joint.pushed in retainer clip pushed together and off she went. so we in love again.
Me having forearms like popeye.theres a cable connector bolted to dipstick tube i had to shove my arm down to a dropped spanner and dislodged joint.pushed in retainer clip pushed together and off she went. so we in love again.

Have a magnet on a stick, much easier to get items.
Also have one of those flexible grabs, only a £1:thumbs

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