Heater Fan Resistor Fix- Terrano. Thanks Guys Worked a Treat

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Well-known member
May 25, 2008
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Hi Chaps,

My 97 SWB had the usual Heater Fan only working on No. 4, decided last night to have a go at repairing it by trying the resolder method.

Yep I can't solder for Toffee and the Soldering Iron I have was a bit large for the job, it's not pretty but guess what it works. 8O :lol:

Big thankyou to Sweety and others who posted on this, it only took about 15 mins in total and was a simple fix.. Which makes a change for a Nissan.!!

If anyone wants a pic of the not so pretty fixed resistor let me know.

Hi Hewey :smile: It was another member who came up with the idea (sorry can't think who at the min :oops: )but it's one of them things that stick in your mind as i'll prob have to do it one day :roll: & the best bit it costs £000 :p
Hi Sweety,

Well it was one of your post I spotted it on first so thanks, whoever came up with it first, thank you too.

The good news is that if I can do it anyone can, real easy job.

The thing was I'd actually ordered a new one from the dealers (£28) so thought I may as well give it a go while waiting delivery. What did I have to loose, needless to say I rang up first thing this morning and cancelled the order.

Will just see how long it lasts, I'm sure it's a safe repair after all if it does overheat surely the solder will be the first thing to go again.

Hi Toolbox,

Yep membership costs well and truly covered for next 2 years.

Thanks for your post if that was the one Sweety referred to.

My resistor only had a very small break in it so was really easy to solder.

heater on 4

Hi Hewey,
glad you got the problem sorted, i to have the very same problem. Was wondering if you could post some pics, if im honest dont even know where the problematic unit is in the truck.
Thanks Wayne
Hi Wayne, (That's 2 of us)

The unit itself is under the passenger side dashboard, see the workshop dowloads No. W18 this will give you pictures of it's location.

It's secured by 2 screws that can be undone with a short phillips screwdriver or in my case I think I used a 8mm socket on a small wrench.

A picture of the resistor after I repaired it.


Good Luck
Mine is the same so looks like a little job for the weekend.

Hewey, can you send me a photo of the fix please?
Hi Chris,

I've just sent a copy of the repaired resistor to Mav as per his previous kind offer, sure he will post it somewhere it can be viewed.

If you pm me your email address I can send you a copy direct.

Crikey Mav,

That was quick, don't you have anything better to do on a Friday night.!!

Told you it wasn't pretty but eh it works and that's all that matters.

Friday night is one of the nights where i dont go to bed early.

You said its a mess, But it does show that anyone can repair the heater speed control.
One bloke does it for you on E-bay and charges £22 plus postage, and you did it for free.

Well done Hewey 8)

Cheers Mav,

Really was easy with the right tools I'm sure I would have made a better job of it but as long as it works that's all that matters.

Just took the thing out, rubbed the rubbish of with sand paper, bit of solder and there you have it.

Thanks agian for posting the picture.

resistor repair

Thanks to Hewey for the pic an the information, aint done it yet due to work commitments,- but will let you know how it goes.
Thanks again Wayne
Hewey said:
Hi Chris,

I've just sent a copy of the repaired resistor to Mav as per his previous kind offer, sure he will post it somewhere it can be viewed.

If you pm me your email address I can send you a copy direct.


Thanks Hewey, job now done.

Well Done KP.

Simple job isn't it?

£10 Membership certainly paid for itself.!!

heater blower

does anyone know where i could find the resistor for the blower as it only works on number 4, my car is a maverick 1994 2.7 diesel with a/c. can anybody help me..................
Re: heater blower

brom said:
does anyone know where i could find the resistor for the blower as it only works on number 4, my car is a maverick 1994 2.7 diesel with a/c. can anybody help me..................

I guess they are all in the same place. In the passenger footwell right up against the bulkhead, sort of behind/below glove box, you will find some wiring and an electrical connector. The connector is attached to the circuit board. You have to find 2 small screws and unscrew them. One can be seen if you get your head down close to the footwell, the other will be hidden by the connector. Once these are loosened the board will pull downwards and you will be able to see the damage quite clearly. The connector can be unplugged if you need to take the board to your soldering iron.

Good luck!