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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
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any body ever had iratating misfire wen driving idle perfect no smoke 2.7 tdi zexel fuel pump feels bit like running on 3 cylinders injectors ok maf ok crank sensor ok no mil light on fuel filter replaced air filter replaced no mini filter tdi took pump of gunna give it good clean and blow out lets hope this cures it
it all started with idle uneven but car run great changed pump idle perfect now got misfire issue which leaves me thinking pump again maybe 3rd time lucky if i buy another
yes i changed the pump new pump now got missfire i carnt win lets hope good clean out will be ok im starting to think y did i buy a maverick hope ive not made a mistake but must admit nice drive
oh shit i see, bad news.

well, when i had a mis fire, it was No1 Injector, did you change yours, or any of the injectors yet??

thats my thoughts...
well guys up bright and early clean pump out rebuild and fit back on truck lets hope i crack it this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont understand why you are cleaninng the pump if its new?? do you think its contaminated again, or are you talking about the old one? :confused: