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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2014
Get ya beers, no chrome in here :augie

Ahem... Actually, since our house move has been halted to Biggleswade area the gun club up there is far too distant to be traveling to.

Plenty of clubs about in the west London area and surrounding but does anyone know any good indoor clubs where a 357 "rifle" can be fired? Most clubs seem to be small bore... I'm searching frantically but I don't wanna be a clay pigeon shooter with my toff boots and Burberry cap :augie

In short, an indoor range with large firing capacities, the closer the better, but 30 mile travel is acceptable if needed... Small or large club... Make no odds...

Thanks chaps.. Any successful answers will be rewarded with 100+ man points and a beer from me :beer
Easy sunshine, three shotguns, two rifles and not a burberry cap among them!

Can't help you there, just wanted to let you know you are not alone :)
I'm having trouble finding a 100m range here in Flanders which will accept a 7mm Remington Magnum. The one I go to is 1h driving away, and I can only go when there are no reservations since the bang might scare off the other customers :)
I presume this is his new phase that someone was talking about in another thread lol, Has he hammerrite'd the barrel yet?

I don't think he's looked into it yet lol.:eek:

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