Cold weather contracting the dashboard panels against something?
Mouse :nenau
glove box hinges/catch? Rick
On the top of the dash, by the windscreen heater vents is a small lift out panel, behind that is a screw that holds the dash in place... On mine the plastic round the screw had cracked away, so the screw was not holding the dash, just a circle of plastic, and it was rubbing against the broken plastic making a rattling squeak.
A large table washer, with 2 opposite edges ground flat making it into an oval shape, and a bit of anti slip foam stuck to the underside of it, put under the screw, fixed it.
By the way, use something magnetic when you put the screw back in, as there is a hole which you can not see from the seats, and once the screw drops down there, you will never find it again... well I haven't!!
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