Had my '89 Datsun Navara 2dr ute TD23 for the last 3 years and decided it was time to upgrade. I originally wanted a Patrol/Safari but got sick of looking at p.o.s. for way too much coin so started looking at the Terrano/Mistral. Bought it a couple weeks ago and glad I did.
1997 Nissan Mistral 297,000kms in stock form.
Once home (after browsing on here) started about to fix (what appears to be) the normal issues most folks have.
1. Sunroof leak - someone decided to silicone the drain shut rather than open the headlining and pull the drain up and re-attach it :doh
2. Removed all but driver's seat and every inch of carpet and trim - took two days to dry, which gave me a chance to wire brush the corroded bits of floor and etch prime it. Also lanocoted the affected bolts and screws.
3. Rear door leak - new seal $382- :lol marine sealant around door opening $0.00 but very effective :thumbs
4. Front tyres 215x75R15 - removed and binned :naughty Rear tyres 30x9.5R15 - removed and sold :thumbs installed my 15x8 with 31x10.5R15 and some respectability :clap removed front mudflaps due to rubbing.
5. Removed stock suspenders and replaced with +40mm EFS Elite shocks. Have to keep saving for the +40mm rear springs then I can raise the truck to stop the tyre rubbing - it's driving me nuts.
6. Using coolant, filling overflow bottle and over pressurising system. Replaced t-stat (82degC), removed radiator, back flushed and cleaned fins, also re-routed transmission lines.
7. Viscous fan cracked and looking well past it's use by date, so binned it and installed 16" electric I had sitting on the shelf.
Wheels and EFS shocks
Thanks to many of you for posting the helpful info - certainly made my life a whole lot easier :thumbs :beer
1997 Nissan Mistral 297,000kms in stock form.

Once home (after browsing on here) started about to fix (what appears to be) the normal issues most folks have.
1. Sunroof leak - someone decided to silicone the drain shut rather than open the headlining and pull the drain up and re-attach it :doh
2. Removed all but driver's seat and every inch of carpet and trim - took two days to dry, which gave me a chance to wire brush the corroded bits of floor and etch prime it. Also lanocoted the affected bolts and screws.
3. Rear door leak - new seal $382- :lol marine sealant around door opening $0.00 but very effective :thumbs
4. Front tyres 215x75R15 - removed and binned :naughty Rear tyres 30x9.5R15 - removed and sold :thumbs installed my 15x8 with 31x10.5R15 and some respectability :clap removed front mudflaps due to rubbing.
5. Removed stock suspenders and replaced with +40mm EFS Elite shocks. Have to keep saving for the +40mm rear springs then I can raise the truck to stop the tyre rubbing - it's driving me nuts.
6. Using coolant, filling overflow bottle and over pressurising system. Replaced t-stat (82degC), removed radiator, back flushed and cleaned fins, also re-routed transmission lines.
7. Viscous fan cracked and looking well past it's use by date, so binned it and installed 16" electric I had sitting on the shelf.
Wheels and EFS shocks

Thanks to many of you for posting the helpful info - certainly made my life a whole lot easier :thumbs :beer