Gearbox Issues

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2007
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hello, i wondered whether anybody could give me some help regarding my gearbox

back in december i took my car offroading, and to cut a long story short i misjudged some water and sunk the front end of my (98 ford) maverick. since then i have be having what i think are gearbox issues: my gear changes in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th all grind when trying to engage them, however, as you may of noticed, 4th is totally fine. after i got home from my 'adventure', i said to my dad that i thought water (and mud) had got into my gearbox. he said though that there was no way that any could of go in there, after all its all sealed up. so we (and several other people) put the gear changes down to a damaged dragging clutch. about two weeks ago i had the clutch changed, and when the bloke who did it removed the gearbox breather he noticed some emulsified oil in the breather which suggested there was water in the g-box. he then drained the oil to find, yep you guessed a small part of the offroad site in the gearbox. after the clutch change, it stopped slipping but the gear changes were still nasty. fifth was fine until christmas and its slowly got worse since then. there not hard to get in when the car is static or when the revs are low (well is crunches), they just grind a lot.

whats irritating is on the drive home from the site, all gear changes were fine, maybe a little noisy, but fine. ive bled the clutch twice in a hope that that might be the problem but in hasnt. i have been told to change the oil again, to wash the last of the crap out, but i cant see how that would help matters. i believe i have worn/damaged something on the syncro side of the gearbox, but without dismantling it i obviously cant be sure. if that is the case i would prefer to have the gearbox refurbed, but if its going to cost more than a second hand box then i might aswell do that.

i think ive covered everything, has anyone got any comments/suggestions on this. any help is appresiated, thanks, tom
check what oil is in it i got ep90 for mine second gear as a bugger to get when cold and most of the others were notchy .

drained it and put 80w-90 in at weekend and now a lot better..

i believe (but dont quote me someone with more knowledge will be around soon) you need a oil rated GL-4 but most stuff is GL-5.. I

only place i could get it was halfords but a £7 a litre i decided not too think theres a bit of water in mine 2 (it sat outside a garage for a while) so gonna have a search and flush out again later..
DO NOT USE GL5!!!! you will make it worse m8,sounds like input shafts shot mine is to but i still drive it!! gearbox overhaul will cost around a grand so run it till it drops!!
I added molyslip to both the transfer and main gearbox.
Makes changing gear a breeze, also quietens down the gearbox when on the over-run. See other threads on this..
I assume you are aware that there are 2 gearboxes on these, have you checked the oil in the transfer box as well?
Just a thought..
On my 1995 mav, all the breathers from the gear boxes and the rear diff join together and go to an inverted pipe on the drivers side bulkhead.
I fitted a small clear film canister over the pipe as once on a hot day 5 years ago, oil was forced out of this pipe. My thoughts are that the air expanded and pushed out any atomised oil out of the breather pipe, the Nissan garage could not explain it. It has never done it since...
Last year I replaced gearbox oils with Comma GL4
what is the difference between GL4 and GL5 like i said before noone round my way apart from ripoff halfrauds keep GL4
for those who have suggested changing the oil, i did think about that, but its not that it wont go in gear: when the car is static the gears go in fine. its when im moving that it grates/grinds a lot. feels like the snycros have gone.

like i said fifth was fine until christmas, and then that got rough. i could change gear my getting the engine revs and prop speed the same without any noise, but now, i it doesnt matter what i do it still grinds.

i could probably do a gearbox refurb myself if i new where to get all the parts
Have a word with "Gearboxman" from Wolverhampton. I was having terrific problems with my Mistral automatic , but he managed to sort me out. He is a gearbox specialist. His name is Ian.
All the best, Matt.
GL5 oil has more EP additive in than GL4 this can eat certain bronze content metals and also will not help the baulk rings on the synchronous to brake the gear as it is being engaged causing grating.
the way its been explained to me in other g/boxs and cured the problem is

the oils too heavy when your moving it spins the gears not in use, so when you try to change up the oils "dragging" the gear making it harder for the syncros to mesh ..

had same prob in uncles transporter changed the oil all was grand after..

and my mavericks a lot better i can get 2nd gear first time when its cold now :p