A few weeks ago the Mav started to run a bit rough, coughing blue smoke, low power etc. Ah, I thought, fuel. So I changed the main fuel filter - ran sweet as a nut for about 10 miles and then back to rough. I had read about the gauze filter in the Injector pump banjo, so read the procedure in the Download section (thanks to the Author) and got stuck in, Two surprises - no spring or filter under the banjo and also no fuel present when I slackened the banjo off. Surely there should be fuel present in the banjo at all times - not air. This might also explain why the engine is slow to start - I have to turn it over for 15-20 seconds before first cough. But where does the fuel go? I had thought that there was a non-return valve somewhere to stop it draining back into the tank, and in any case the fuel can only run out if there is some way for air to get in.
As I obviously don't really understand the workings of the fuel system properly, can someone please shed some light!
As I obviously don't really understand the workings of the fuel system properly, can someone please shed some light!