These are what I've been reduced too :lol
I used to run old skool oil filled shocks for off-road bias but pretty rubbish on road. Changed to these 2.2 s and they've been very good
I had front and rear shocks on my Paj from Dave at Llama 4x4.
They worked well for me.
The new 2.2s look like a good development from the earlier ones I had.
He’ll do all your extended brake hoses to if you need any.
Beware, he’s very enthusiastic and can talk for England!
Refreshingly good guy to deal with though.
Cheers boys
Thanks for the link to your old thread Jim, I had a look at that German site that CarpenterRacing used however the shocks i'd consider are all out of stock on there at the moment :doh
I really like the look and sound of these but have no experience with the brand personally, can anyone comment on these?
I've been calling since 9am and no answer :doh
I'm ready to order now, if Rob from Japanese 4x4 get's back to me first he's going to lose a sale!!!!
This guy is in the UK, Dave from Llama 4x4Did you account for the time difference 9.00 am here is probably 4.0am in the USA ?
Where in uk is tennesee?
I wondered about that too !
Dave from Llama actually collects his stuff from the aircraft after taxiing apparently!:thumb2
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